MCU Young Avengers Rumors Include Hailee Steinfeld

MCU Young Avengers Rumors Include Hailee Steinfeld

It’s claimed the Young Avengers are coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that part of the team includes Hailee Steinfeld who plays Kate Bishop in the MCU.

The info follows it said Avengers: Secret Wars will reboot the MCU, and that instead of going with a new MCU Trinity, Kevin Feige has switched gears and is going with a new team of young Assemblers.

The Young Avengers in the comics are a team of teen superheroes, but it seems as if the MCU won’t be going the kid route and instead will be using older versions of the characters.

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Who are the MCU’s Young Avengers?

According to the CanWeGetSomeToast Twitter account, making up the MCU’s Young Avengers currently includes:

  • America Chavez
  • Billy Kaplan (Wiccan)
  • Cassie Lang (Stature/Stinger)
  • ?Elijah Bradley (Patriot)?
  • Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)
  • Kate Bishop (Hawkeye)
  • Riri Williams (Ironheart)
  • ?Tommy (Speed)?

“The ‘?’s’ are for whether or not Feige will get to Speed and Patriot before the Young Avengers actually assemble. Tommy WILL come back, but Marvel doesn’t seem to have any interest in pursuing anything Elijah Bradley related, unfortunately,” states the account.

The Young Avengers in the comics also include Iron Lad Nathaniel Richards; Vision Jonas; Marvel Boy Noh-Varr, and Prodigy David Alleyne.

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Are the Young Avengers young?

As the Young Avengers are teenagers in the comics, following the rumor, fans have been questioning the ages of the actors involved with the team.

Hailee Steinfeld (Go Bills!) is currently 26 years old, so that means whenever the Young Avengers make their way into the MCU, she will be around 30 years old, hardly a teenager.

Kathryn Newton is now 26 years old and plays Cassie Lang.

Likewise, Ironheart actor Dominique Thorne is 25 years old and will be close to 30 years old as well.

Iman Vellani who plays Ms. Marvel is 21 years old, and Xochitl Gomez is the only teenager currently at 17 years old playing America Chavez.

We can guess that maybe a couple of the actors/characters feeling their age will be the leaders of the Young Avengers.

Avengers Circle

What about the OGs?

Taking a look back at when the MCU was first formed, making up The Avengers includes:

  • Robert Downey Jr. at age 43 in 2008 (Iron Man)
  • Chris Evans at 30 in 2011 (Captain America: The First Avenger)
  • Chris Hemsworth at 28 in 2011 (Thor)
  • Mark Ruffalo at 45 in 2012 (The Avengers – Edward Norton was 38 in 2008’s Incredible Hulk)
  • Jeremy Renner at 40 in 2011 (Thor)
  • Scarlett Johansson at 26 in 2010 (Iron Man 2)
  • Tom Hiddleston at 30 in 2011/12 (villain – Thor/The Avengers)

So it does seem as if Feige is not going the direct comic book route with the Young Avengers, and let’s be honest, a team of angsty politically oriented teens wouldn’t be successful, so older versions will instead be used.

And technically, “Young Avengers” still fits because they are younger than the original Avengers.

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