Doctor Who Series 10 “Smile” Preview Trailer


Wow! What a great episode to kick off Doctor Who Series 10!

I always liked the horror-type episodes best, and tonight’s, “The Pilot,” reminded me of “Water From Mars” mixed with “Midnight,” so it definitely didn’t disappoint.

I also think it’s a great episode for people to watch that are new to the show as it gives them little nuggets of info on the series, including info on the Doctor and the TARDIS.

I’m pretty happy with new companion Bill Potts, played by Pearl Mackie. I might even say after only watching one episode of Bill that she might be my second favorite companion next to Doctor Donna! Okay, maybe third, following Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond!

And how powerful is that water creature?! Woah!

If this first episode is anything to go by, we’re in for a real treat this season!

Check out the preview for the next episode “Smile” that sees The Doctor and Bill travel to one of Earth’s first colonies in Smile. 

Doctor Who airs Saturdays on BBCA.

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