Epic Failure Part 2: Dancing Part Of Guardians of the Galaxy Sequel


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:22847:]]James Gunn did the equivalent of George Lucas’ Star Wars: The Phantom Menace with Guardians of the Galaxy

James Gunn, say it ain’t so!

Gunn came on board GOTG and rewrote the Nicole Perlman adaptation of the Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 comic book, which was initially a more serious take. Gunn cut Richard Rider Nova out of the script – for whatever reason – and put his own goofy “Lost In Space” spin on the movie (sad, but true). Sure, the movie was a success, and I will admit enjoyable to a point, but from a Marvel Cosmic fan’s perspective, and one who started an entire site around the comics (before Marvel even gave a f’), Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy came off as a more of a joke compared to the DnA comic book Guardians of the Galaxy source material.

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:22848:]]I would take Richard Rider Nova over “Star-Lord” as a more relatable character ANY DAY

Now before all the negative Facebook comments hit, to put it in our perspective, can you EVER – and I mean EVER – imagine a dancing Harrison Ford Han Solo in ANY of the Star Wars movies (or how about a dancing Ripley in Aliens?!)?

Take a moment and think about it.

A dancing f’n Han Solo?!

Or even how about Darth Vader at the end of any of the Star Wars movies acting like Lee Pace’s Ronan (was I the only one thinking, “Why didn’t Ronan just blast Star-Lord at the end of the movie instead of looking like the biggest f’n idiot there ever was while watching him do the stupid dance?”).

Or how about Kylo Ren dancing in Star Wars: The Force Awakens?! Are you looking forward to that?!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:22849:]]More Ewok-ness coming with GoTG 2 – excited?!

Basically, from a fan of Marvel Cosmic, what Gunn did is Jar Jar Binks Guardians of the Galaxy. Just about everything about the movie came off as generic, cheap, eye-rolling and Disney-fied (I did like Rocket, Groot and Nebula to a certain extent). Now, Marvel Comics is finally (five years later?) releasing the collected version of DnA’s GOTG comics, and I’ll hope you will all buy it to see what the source material is really like, but Marvel really f’d over DnA and their creative team when the movie came out, replacing it with the d-bag Bendis version. What bothers me more is that Kevin Feige and Gunn have both pointed to the DnA version as an inspiration for the movie, but the movie is more like the crappy Bendis-Loeb comic than the more serious (with humor that makes sense) version that Abnett created. 

And the bad news is that it seems we are getting more of the Bendis/Gunn version.

Vin Diesel, who is reprising as Groot, revealed in a Q&A on Facebook, that he received the script for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, which – get this – has dancing as a big part of the script.

Diesel revealed he received the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 script this weekend with Awesome Mix Vol. 2 (Vol. 1 was asinine, btw), and played a song by Megan Trainor after doing so — as Trainor did music for Fast and Furious 7. Diesel then said it’s ironic because the GOTG 2 script has dancing, too (please don’t tell me Trainor is on Awesome Mix Vol. 2 – can it get any worse, guys?).

If you haven’t noticed, Guardians of the Galaxy started and ended with Star-Lord dancing!

Yep, is that the tone of GOTG 2 we have to look forward to? More goofball dancing idiot-ness?

Who was looking forward to Adam Warlock? Well, now do we get to see Warlock and Magus do the Electric Boogalo?!

Ughh! Personally, that was the WORST part of the movie – watching Star-Lord dance!

Below you can check out Vin Diesel talking about Guardians of the Galaxy 2 for yourself (anybody else thankful he only has three words to say?)



Posted by Vin Diesel on Sunday, November 8, 2015

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