Sony Cancels Marvel Release Date: Spider-Man Spinoff Universe Likely Over

Sony Cancels Marvel Release Date

Sony has officially canceled a planned release date for an untitled Marvel movie.

We get word via Deadline in an update about Sony’s release schedule that Sony yanked the release date for a Marvel flick:

Sony also said this evening that it has unset a June 27, 2025 release date for an untitled Sony-Marvel movie.

Bad Buddy 'El Muerto' Spider-Man Spinoff Yanked From Schedule

What was the movie?

I believe the Sony Marvel movie may have been El Muerto, the Spider-Man spinoff originally starring Bad Bunny. No other Sony Marvel movie was in the works that I can think of, as the Venom franchise finished with the third movie and there were no planned sequels for Morbius, Madame Web, or Kraven.

El Muerto has been on and off again, and back in January saw it said it was on again without Bad Bunny, but it’s not going to happen.

There was also chatter about a possible Sinister Six movie, maybe Silver Sable and/or Black Cat, but those aren’t happening either.

madame web box office 100 million

What happened with Sony Marvel?

Sony Marvel has completely collapsed. Really, only the first Venom movie was any good, and it was decent at best. It also made $856 million while its two sequels (which are horrendous) made around or less than $500 million.

Of course, Morbius bombed with $167 million. Then Madame Web massively tanked with $100 million, followed by Kraven laughably bringing in $61 million this December.

What happened is that Sony Marvel didn’t respect the source material or the fans.

kraven movie rhino

What has Sony said?

A Sony producer who should probably retire has said he thought Kraven and Madame Web were good films and blamed the failures on the press for not wanting movies about the characters without Spider-Man.

The exec in charge of Sony Marvel has also exited Sony.

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What’s next for Sony Marvel?

According to reports and rumors, what is next for Sony Marvel is that Sony will be concentrating on Spider-Man 4 and the third Spider-Verse movie.

It has been said Sony is going to focus on “Spider-Man” instead of the related characters. That’s also said to include Spider-Man multiverse versions, such as the Nicolas Cage Spider-Noir series, maybe more.

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