Watch: Echo vs Daredevil

Watch: Echo vs Daredevil

Footage from Marvel’s upcoming Echo series has landed online pitting the titular character versus Daredevil.

Rumors offer the series is really bad, hence why Marvel is dropping all the episodes at once. It’s also known they cut back on the number of episodes from six to five.

The first reactions are also mixed.

Watch below.

echo poster marvel

Echo stars Alaqua Cox, Chaske Spencer, Tantoo Cardinal, Devery Jacobs, Cody Lightning, Graham Greene, and Zahn McClarnon.

The series is about the origin story of Echo who revisits Maya Lopez, whose ruthless behavior in New York City catches up with her in her hometown. She must face her past, reconnect with her Native American roots, and embrace the meaning of family and community if she ever hopes to move forward.

All five episodes will stream on Disney+ and Hulu on January 10, 2024.

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