Winston Duke Wants To Be The DCU’s Batman

winston duke dcu batman

Winston Duke, known by Marvel fans for playing M’Baku in the Black Panther movies, wants to jump ship and join James Gunn as the DCU’s new Batman, and he wants fans to campaign for it to happen.

Gunn is co-head of the DCU currently filming his new Superman movie. The new DC film universe will also feature a new Batman in the Brave and the Bold that was announced as part of Gunn’s “Gods and Monsters” lineup.

batman dccomics

Wants a fan campaign

While speaking with Slash Film, the actor gets enthusiastic about starting a campaign to play Batman:

“Listen, man, can you start that [campaign]? [Laughs] I would say I challenge you to get on all these socials and push for me. Get your community. I would love to. I would love to do that as Batman. I’d love any opportunity to explore new characters, to change narratives around some of these entrenched ideas of how these characters are supposed to look, sound, and perform. I’m all for it.”

Winston Duke actually has experience playing Batman as he voiced DC’s Dark Knight in the “Batman Unburied” podcast.

james gunn batman

Brave and the Bold coming to the DCU

Regarding Gunn’s new Batman, The Flash director Andy Muschietti is directing Brave and the Bold, and no actor has been cast in the role as of yet.

The description for the film offers the DCU will introduce its Batman and Robin (Damian Wayne) in this unusual father-son story inspired by Grant Morrison’s comic series.

At the big press event back in January of 2023, James Gunn described Batman’s son, Damian Wayne, as Robin “who is a little son of a bitch.”

“This is the introduction of the DCU Batman,” said Gunn. “Of Bruce Wayne and also introduces our favorite Robin, Damian Wayne, who is a little son of a bitch. Assassin, murderer who Batman takes on, who is Batman’s actual son that he doesn’t know exists for the first 8-10 years of his life….it’s a strange father and son story about the two of them and based on Grant Morrison’s run of the Batman.”

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