Win A Star Wars: The Last Jedi Early Screening With Mark Hamill!


Watch Mark Hamill in the video below surprising Star Wars fans for the Force For Change charity campaign!

Fans can enter for a chance to win three of the most epic Star Wars experience ever! 

Spend the night at Skywalker Ranch

Visit the set of the upcoming Han Solo movie and have a chance to appear in the film

Join forces with the cast at the premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Flights and accommodations for winners and guests provided

Mark Hamill channels Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader to surprise Star Wars fans and announce that he’s offering a BONUS experience: attend a pre-screening of The Last Jedi and get lunch with him in LA!

Other prizes include Star Wars t-shirts, helmets, posters and more!

For your chance to win the bonus prize, PLUS three epic Star Wars experiences, head on over to!

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