Trevante Rhodes Talks Green Lantern Speculation


Trevante Rhodes, star of Moonlight which just won Best Picture at the Oscars, is a big fan favorite pick to play John Stewart in the upcoming Justice League and Green Lantern Corps movies.

MTV caught up with Trevante Rhodes and asked the actor his thoughts on putting on spandex for superhero films.

“That’s everybody’s dream,” Trevant Rhodes said. “Whenver you’re in charge, it’s like, “I want to be a superhero.’ You know. So in that regard, that is something that’s really enticing, but more so because it puts my face in front of more people who will want to come and see a movie like Moonlight that I care about.”

MTV then mentioned they are looking for a Green Lantern, with Treveante Rhodes smiling and playing coy.

“I don’t know,” Trevane Rhodes said with a big grin. “I don’t know.”

Watch the video below for more.

Details for the DCEU Green Lantern Corps movie include that it will be a buddy space cop movie featuring Hal Jordan and John Stewart. A recent rumor stated Abin Sur will be appearing in the Justice League movie.

Trevante Rhodes is also starring in the new Shane Black Predator movie. 

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