Tonight’s Flash Features Huge “Superman II Fight”


Slight spoilers for tonight’s return of The Flash, but more than likely the details will just get you more excited to watch.

Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg let loose a few details about tonight’s episode, which is said to include a huge fight reminiscent of the big Superman II fight on the streets that reveals The Flash to the world.

“The Flash does this knockdown, drag out Superman II fight in the streets with the rogues, and everyone sees The Flash,” Kreisberg told The Hollywood Reporter. “It’s no longer an urban myth. He can’t be dismissed. The world starts to change and is starting to have to accept that there are these crazy things out there. That will have repercussions going back into Starling City as the world starts to change.”

The episode, titled “Revenge of the Rogues,” features Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold teaming with Dominic Purcell as Heat Wave.

“It’s the first time villains have said ‘our goal this week is to kill The Flash,'” Kreisberg offered.

So with the Rogues after Flash, will The Flash be prepared? Grant Gustin hints that The Flash might be distracted following the events that went down with the mid-season finale.

“He’s thinking about Reverse Flash after the last episode,” Gustin said.

“The Flash” airs tonight at 8pm ET on the CW.

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