Titans TV Series Scrapped By TNT


It’s learned the planned Titans series set for TNT isn’t happening.

Deadline reports TNT has decided not to proceed with the Teen Titans live-action series, even though it was ordered to pilot.

“We decided it wasn’t where we wanted to go,” TNT president Kevin Reilly said at TCA.

Previously released details on the Titans series include mention it may have been in the same universe as Arrow and The Flash. It was said at the start of the series, Dick Grayson was still using his Robin identity, but eventually would have gone on to become Nightwing, and was working as a private detective in Boston. The series was also said to include Barbara Gordon, Hawk and Dove, and Starfire, with Cyborg and Beast Boy as possibilities down the road.

It may be possible that WB actually scrapped the project as we do know Cyborg is a part of their movie universe. While The Flash is featured in both their movie and TV universes, WB did axe use of the Suicide Squad in TV and possibly Green Lantern. In addition, it’s reported that WB is feeling the heat as a result of the popularity of Grant Gustin, which may cause issues with the Ezra Miller version of The Flash. It’s possible WB may not want to create additional problems by having Teen Titans characters on the small and big screens simultaneously. 

Nightwing has been rumored for Batman Vs. Superman and the Ben Affleck solo Batman movie, as well as DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow.

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