“Is the Big Two about to become the Big Three?”
That’s the question Mark Millar poses during his Millarworld Editorial in the pages of Kick-Ass 2 #6. And with the lineup he’s bringing to Millarworld in 2012 — he damn well has a shot!
According to Mr. Millar, 2012 will see some HUGE books coming out, but we’ll have to wait a little bit to get them in our hands. Patience is a virtue after all, and it will be well worth it!
March is when we will see not only one new series come out of the Millarworld stable — but two! First will be Supercrooks, with art by fan favorite Leinil Francis Yu. Shipping almost simultaneously will be The Secret Service, drawn by comic legend — Dave Gibbons! This book was also co-conceived by the Kick-Ass film director, Matthew Vaughn! Then in April, we will finally see the long awaited Hit-Girl series, by Kick-Ass veteran artist John Romita Jr!
Around the end of summer, Millar will launch an as yet to be named book that he is calling, “a vast superhero epic, something as wide in scope as the Lord of the Rings, for a superhero audience!” Nothing can make that sound more exciting, unless you factor in that superstar artist Frank Quitely will be doing the art chores!

And finally in November, fans will get to see one of the most insane, brutal and disturbingly cunning books back on the shelves, as Steve McNiven draws the coolest killers around in the pages of —
Nemesis 2!
All these artistic legends led by the crazy intelligence of one Mark Millar? Is there any doubt that the Big Two might actually have to look over their shoulder in 2012? And remember boys, the toys in the Millarworld aren’t as precious as yours! Anything goes, and it usually does, which is exactly what fans want! And I will be the first in line to get the most exciting and original books on the shelves today — Millarworld books!
If that wasn’t enough for you, you can travel across the pond and go to Millar’s own Kapow Comic Convention! Tickets are on sale now for this London based event that takes place on May 19th and 20th. Be sure to visit
www.kapowcomicconvention.com for all the insane details!