Captain America

Movie News

New Avengers Costume Images For Scarlet Witch & Falcon From Age Of Ultron

Check out images revealing the New Avengers look for Falcon and Scarlet Witch.

The end of The Avengers: Age Of Ultron saw Tony Stark part ways leaving behind the New Avengers fascility consisting of Captain America, Black Widow, War Machine, Vision, Falcon and Scarlet Witch.

Now images of Falcon and Scarlet Witch have hit the net, with both characters returning for Captain America: Civil War.




Movie News

It’s On! Chris Evans Vs. Frank Grillo Civil War Twitter War


Looks like Captain America: Civil War has kicked off early as Chris Evans and Frank Grillo have engaged in a Twitter war.

Earlier saw the official announement that filming has begun and also included the synopsis as well as the cast list.

Evans and Grillo were both mentioned, with Evans reprising as Captain America, and Grillo back as Brock Rumlow and Crossbones.

Evans tweeted: “Don’t underestimate the benefit of awe. Take time to be amazed by things. By anything. By everything.”

Grillo followed up with: “I’m amazed at the ass whoopin you got coming. X”

Evans: “I’m amazed you can read. Be honest, your kids are helping you sound out the words.”

Grillo: “I can read the hospital report for you after wake up from that that little snooze your gonna take hero boy.”

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Emily VanCamp, William Hurt, Martin Freeman and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Captain America: Civil War picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.

Movie News

Captain America: Civil War Script Possibly Leaks


It’s being reported the script for Captain America: Civil War has leaked online.

The info comes from 4Chan, so bear that in mind.

Obvious spoiler warning if legit:


I’ve read the script and I’m honestly impressed. It is very good, it balances a huge cast of characters while maintaining focus on Captain America and Iron Man and their conflicting ideologies, and it has some amazing action scenes.

I imagine this is an early draft. Not only it is rather long, but has some dark as fuck moments that I can can’t imagine Marvel will put in a movie. There’s also a villain twist I’m certain /co/ won’t like, and one particular moment that’ll cause a lot of internet outcry, but is done pretty tastefully here. 9/10, has all it needs to be based.

And the characters that appear in it, for anyone who’s curious: Captain America, Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Peter Gyrich, Crossbones, Sharon Carter, Baron Zemo, Hawkeye’s family, President Ellis, Councilwoman Hawley, the SHIELD techie that wouldn’t launch the ships (his name is Jason). 

Cap doesn’t die.

Also, it’s pretty interesting to notice the script is just titled “Civil War”.

The movie is set one year after Ultron’s attack. SHIELD leaks have raised awareness of the circumstances of several incidents such as the Battle of New York, the Mandarin bombings, the Dark Elf invasion, which, in addition to the Hulk rampage in South Africa and Ultron leveling Sokovia, have caused superheroes to experience a sizeable public backlash. Stark is retired from being Iron Man and dedicating himself to philantrophy to atone for his mistakes.

Captain America is leading the New Avengers – Black Widow, Falcon, War Machine, Scarlet Witch and Vision – to take down the remnants of HYDRA and find Bucky, aided by Nick Fury.

The movie opens with them busting a drug deal and recovering some Vibranium-based weaponry. Back to their new headquarters, the Avengers get to mingle. Black Widow is the co-leader, Falcon and Captain America are true bros, and Falcon also has a sort of friendly rivalry with Rhodes since they’re both airmen. Cap is coaching Wanda into dealing with her powers and losing Pietro, and Vision is dealing with his expanding consciousness.

Fury drops by to share some info on Bucky. He’s been killing HYDRA officials all over the globe, and it’s getting hard to keep track of him or cover up his assassinations. Lots of the HYDRA assets he’s offed are power players with seemingly spotless records, and the public wouldn’t understand.

We then see Spider-Man’s first public appearance catching some criminals, which switches to a Congress hearing discussing the matter, with some politicians advocating for the Superhero Registration Act. Stark is in attendance alongside T’Challa, who is acting as a spokesman for Wakanda on the matter of the Vibranium stashes that have been exposed by Ultron’s attack. The UN believes Vibranium to be a dangerous resource and wants to oversee its mining and safekeeping, but T’Challa defends it belongs to his people. The usual political intrigue. 

Cap and Stark meet to discuss the Vibranium weapon usage and discuss the concept of Registration, with Stark supporting it and Cap being against it. They discuss their motives. Meanwhile, in HYDRA’s main lair, Zemo kills people who have failed him. Crossbones is there. Zemo says they in fact didn’t fail, but it needed to appear so, because he doesn’t trust anyone. And it’s time to put their plan in motion.

Acting on a tip from one of his contacts, Bucky arrives at a HYDRA outpost in London, where he is ambushed by mercenaries. It’s a set-up. The fight spills into the street, where Crossbones arranges a bombing to make it appear as if Bucky caused it. The explosions kills several people and causes widespread damage. Bucky escapes, and the Avengers move in to clean up the damage. The public outcry is massive, and the SHRA is approved. Stark decides to support it. He has learned from going through SHIELD leaks that Bucky killed his father and wants to bring him in.

In his farm, Hawkeye is attacked and captured by Crossbones, who kills his wife. He’s then taken to HYDRA’s lair and tortured for infomation in Fury’s secret network, which only Barton is privy to, but doesn’t break.

Cap is called to Stark’s office, where he meets CIA asset Peter Gyrich, from London, who has been partnered with Sharon Carter. They announce the Registration has been approved and Cap and his team need to surrender. Cap says “no”. Stark tells Steve he’s bringing Bucky down, Cap says Bucky is innocent, brainwashed and needs help. Gyrich orders soldiers to seize up Cap, but he escapes.

Cap returns to HQ and tells the others what happened. He gets into an argument with Black Widow, who believes they need to register. They exchange harsh words, and when the military come to collect them, Cap leaves with Sam, Wanda and Vision while Natasha and Rhodes stay behind and join the Registration. 

Fury sets up the Avengers in a safe house while Stark approaches Spider-Man to join the Registration. Spider-Man confides with Stark his secret identity, and Stark is surprised to learn he’s just a boy. They bond, and Peter mentions Uncle Ben and his mantra that “With great powers, come great responsabilities”. Stark then unveils his team on public TV, while Cap and his team become fugitives. Their top priority is to find Bucky before Stark.

Fury gets a lead on Bucky’s whereabouts and the team heads there, but it is an ambush by Stark and his forces, leading to a fight. Stark has a new Bleeding Edge armor, but Vision holds his own. Scarlet Witch BTFOs some soldiers and Spider-Man, Falcon VS. War Machine, and Cap VS. Widow while she tries to get him to see things from her point of view. Scarlet Witch manages to blow them back long enough for her team to escape and reunite with Fury, who deduces Romanoff used her intel to forge a Bucky sighting to get them into a vulnerable place.

Cap doesn’t want to endanger anyone else, but they all decide to stick to their guns and help him. Stark learns from Rhodes about the Vibranium weapons they busted from HYDRA, and Gyrich reports it to his superiors. They accuse Wakanda of endangering global security by not giving them entrance, and tensions escalate. 

Bucky finds out about the Vibranium crisis and goes through his old contacts, eventually locating a HYDRA outpost where they storage Vibranium stolen from Wakanda before shipping it off to the other bases to produce weapons. Stark locates Bucky and tries to bring him in, leading to a fight in which Bucky gets pretty roughed up, but escapes. With no other option, he makes his way to the safe house where Steve is located, which he’s aware of due to his extensive research on the SHIELD leaks, and tells him everything.

The New Avengers patch Bucky up and he and Steve finally talk it out. We get some exposition on Zemo and the reaffirmation of the Steve/Bucky broship. Meanwhile, Stark reports to his superiors about the HYDRA stealing Vibranium from Wakanda to produce weapons. T’Challa assures that they’ll handle it on their own, but the government is undeterred and Gyrich orders the government Avengers to attack Wakanda, which Stark reluctantly agrees to do. Sharon, who is often at odds with Gyrich over his M.O, contacts Fury through a secure line and relays the info to Steve, saying she has faith in him.

Meanwhile, Hawkeye escapes from Zemo’s hold as we’ve established. 

Stark’s Avengers arrive on Wakanda to seize the Vibranium, leading to tensions with the Wakanda military despite their efforts to maintain peace. Steve’s Avengers intervene to stop them from causing an international incident and instead shut down the HYDRA outpost collecting Vibranium. Another fight ensues, in which Maria Hill is outed as a mole who sabotages the Bleeding Edge armor, leveling the game for Steve and Stark to have a big fight. The other Avengers fight as well, and it spills into the street.

Steve notices that, while everyone is beating eachother, Spider-Man has peeled off and is rescuing civilians. He realizes they’re fighting for themselves, not for the people, and they need to work together if they want to stop HYDRA. Natasha, who had been having some disagreements with Stark, vouches for Cap as they realize they’re stronger together than apart.

T’Challa intervenes and volunteers to assist them in stopping HYDRA because he wants peace between his father’s country and the United Nations. The Avengers, however, do not find the HYDRA outpost. It was all a dupe so they’d kill each other for Zemo.

Hawkeye manages to contact Fury and report to the location of Zemo’s lair: Switzerland. The Avengers head there and rendzevous with Barton as they mount a massive attack on Zemo’s compound. Zemo orders his men to fight back using Vibranium-based, reverse-engineered weapons from the Chitauri and Ultron, and the battle is fierce.

Hawkeye fights Crossbones and kills him with four arrows, one for each of his dead family members. Black Panther kicks ass. Wanda eventually manages to achieve enough control over her powers she rearranges the molecules of the HYDRA mooks weapons, culling the Vibranium’s special properties and allowing the Avengers to solo them. 

Cap and Bucky tag-team Zemo and his Vibranium sword, but Zemo still kicks a lot of ass while rambling about his ideals. He eventually gets defeated and Bucky moves in for the kill, but decides to spare him, and prove that he is more than the assassin HYDRA forced him to become.

Zemo and his men are locked up, and Stark retrieves the location of all of HYDRA’s secret bases. The military move in to dismantle the entire organization, arrest its figureheads and aprehend their weapons and technology.

The Avengers are still wanted, but Stark decides to let them go, and Fury and Jason produce new identities for them to lay low. Vision decides to leave the Earth. Cap decides to surrender, but entrusts his shield to Bucky, so he can always remember who he really is: a hero.

Cap is arrested. Barton finds out his children have survived and leaves with them and brings Wanda along to look out for her as well. Natasha and Rhodes are back with Stark, while Fury disappears once again, now with Hill by his side. Peter realizes he isn’t made to fight in wars, he’s there to look out for the common man, and Stark sends him off, erasing his data from the registry.

Stark BTFOs Gyrich, announces he’s taking over because Gyrich made illegal calls throughout his involvement with the SHRA, and Carter is promoted to his place. Stark visits Cap and they patch things up, Zemo is locked up in the Raft, Natasha visits Cap and they patch things up, Bucky keeps the torch alive.

Script ends. 

Ant-Man also joins the final fight, having infiltrated it on Stark’s behalf to sabotage the security systems, in exchange for pardon. He is registered, but doesn’t really plan on a career in superheroics. That’s pretty much all he does, then he fights some mooks and does the arrow riding bit. Most inconsequential role.

T’Challa returns to his country after all’s said and done and sort of opens his borders more for foreign political envoys. The Vibranium mines are secured so no longer will they be breached.


Info on the characters:



He doesn’t have as much screentime as other villains. But he has great lines, a pretty awesome-sounding fight scene and he doesn’t die.



He’s already a vigilante, with a shitty homemade costume, and he’s the one turning the most heads, because he’s actually superpowered and much more public than others (Daredevil is referenced). Stark recruits him to the government-sponsored Avengers, and they have a teacher-and-student relationship. He gets the suit from Stark.

He eventually feels the Avengers are taking their feud a little too far, and calls out Stark on his bullshit. In the end, he’s one of the few still in activity, even though he reneges on the government sponsorship.

He doesn’t interact much with Cap, though. I missed that.

Steve notices that, while everyone is beating eachother, Spider-Man has peeled off and is rescuing civilians. He realizes they’re fighting for themselves, not for the people, and they need to work together if they want to stop HYDRA.

Spider-Man is the heart of the team.

Peter says “I am the spider!” a lot randomly in the middle of important and engaging scenes and you’re supposed to understand he’s just really messed up in the head from it.

He says it repeatedly during various heated scenes until the awkward looks from everyone make it clear that he’s not normal, and is MCU’s first autistic hero as Tony later diagnoses him. 


Black Panther:

He doesn’t have a father that fought Captain America in WWII. He doesn’t always wear the mask, though it has an interesting origin. It is described as black, though.

Also, I don’t remember if it ever was so in the comics, but he was a Vibranium sword.



HYDRA is still controlling the Registration, and superheroes are forced to invade Wakanda.

They’re using SHIELD’s data to reproduce Stark’s technology and Banner’s mutation, mainly, and also reverse-engineering Chitauri technology and Ultron technology.

The Registration is their endagme, through that, not only they control the superhero community, but also learn more about them in order to reproduce their powers.

Zemo is weaponizing super-humans. 



He’s Zemo’s enforcer and has gone full psychotic. He also develops a relationship with Hawkeye and kills his wife.

Initially, he does, because all he does is torture Hawkeye, but when his real masterplan is revealed, he steps the fuck up.

Crossbones subplot:

Crossbones and his men attack his farm, and his wife is shot and dies in his arm. He carries his children to a panic room, locks them up and tries to fight off Crossbones’ men, but is overpowered.

He awakens in a HYDRA outpost where Crossbones tortures him on Zemo’s behalf for Nick Fury’s secrets, as Fury is still targeting HYDRA facilities and endangering Zemo’s endgame. Crossbones tells Hawkeye he murdered his kids, and proceeds to torture Hawkeye for a bit.

Hawkeye doesn’t break, and manages to break out, leading to a scene where he just goes around the facility killing mooks until he gets his bow and arrow back. It’s reads like a cross of that one sequence from The Ultimates Vol. 2 crossed with the nightclub sequence from John Wick.

Of course, Crossbones didn’t really kill the kids. He couldn’t find the panic room and they were later rescued by Fury. 


The sides of Civil War:

Captain America gets Falcon, Scarlet Witch with support from Nick Fury.

Iron Man gets Black Widow, War Machine and Maria Hill, though she is in fact Captain America’s mole.

Vision joins the Registration, but refuses to engage in combat.

Hawkeye doesn’t affiliate. Neither does Bucky. Ant-Man is affiliated with Stark, but not really part of the team.



He’s one of the few comic reliefs, and even so is pretty subdued. Also, he gets a great fight scene. If that’s how he’s written in his own movie, the public will like him.



Vision decides to leave Earth in the end to search for answers about the Infinity Stones and what they mean to him. He’s constantly evolving, his consciousness is expanding.


Black Widow:

Her crimes have become public and lead to public outrage. She joins the Registration in a misguided attempt to rectify them. She is rattled.


One of the politicians mentions “a psycho in a red suit beating people up in Hell’s Kitchen”.


Winter Soldier:

He regained his memories, but is still unbalanced, and has been killing HYDRA officials across the globe, including politicians. One of his attempts leads to the movie’s Stamford analogue, which puts the heat on him. Stark wants to bring him in for Howard’s death, Steve wants to give him medical care. He eventually joins forces with Steve to take down HYDRA and is implied to become the new Captain America in the end.

He went to his own memorial, remembered everything, and promptly fucked off until he could make a dramatic entrance to save Cap, because he’s with him until the end of the line 


Doctor Strange:

Dr. Strange saw Thanos completing the gauntlent in his visions


Scarlet Witch:

No, it’s implied that Wanda is losing it and sees herself as replacing Hawkeye’s wife as she wants the children to call her mom. 



New Avengers VS. HYDRA mooks.
Bucky VS. Crossbones and HYDRA mooks.
Captain America escaping from Stark Tower.
Hawkeye VS. Crossbones and HYDRA mooks.
Captain America and his team VS. Iron Man and his team Round 1.
Winter Soldier VS. Iron Man and soldiers.
Hawkeye’s escape.
Captain America and his team VS. Iron Man and his team round 2.
Avengers VS. HYDRA.

The final battle is everyone VS. HYDRA and their weapons.

Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Falcon, War Machine, Spider-Man and Black Panther all fighting together.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Emily VanCamp, William Hurt, Martin Freeman and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Captain America: Civil War picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.

Movie News

Captain America: Civil War Starts Filming; Vision, Ant-Man, General Ross Confirmed


Marvel has announced filming on Captain America: Civil War has begun, which includes mention of the cast and synopsis.

Check it out:

Press Release

Marvel Studios has commenced principal photography at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta, Georgia on “Captain America: Civil War,” the third installment of its Super Hero franchise. The production will shoot on location in Atlanta, Georgia, which serves as the base for the film’s production, as well as locations in Germany, Puerto Rico and Iceland.

Set for release in the United States on May 6, 2016, “Captain America: Civil War” is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo (Marvel’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Community”) from a screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely (“Captain America: The Winter Solider,” Marvel’s “Captain America: The First Avenger”). The film returns Chris Evans (“Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron”) as the iconic Super Hero character Steve Rogers/Captain America along with Robert Downey Jr. (“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Marvel’s “Iron Man 3”) as Tony Stark/Iron Man, Scarlett Johansson (“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”) as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Sebastian Stan (“Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Captain America: The First Avenger”) as Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Anthony Mackie (“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”) as Sam Wilson/Falcon, Paul Bettany (“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Iron Man 3”) as The Vision, Jeremy Renner (“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Marvel’s “The Avengers”) as Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Don Cheadle (“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Iron Man 3”) as Jim Rhodes/War Machine and Elizabeth Olsen (“Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Godzilla”) as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch.

After his debut in Marvel’s “Ant-Man” on July 17, 2015, Paul Rudd (“Ant-Man,” ”Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues”) will make his first appearance alongside the Avengers as Scott Lang/Ant-Man in “Captain America: Civil War.”

The film also includes outstanding additional cast, including Chadwick Boseman (“42,” “Get on Up”) as T’Challa/Black Panther, Emily VanCamp (“Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Revenge”) as Sharon Carter/Agent 13, Daniel Brühl (“Inglourious Basterds,” “Bourne Ultimatum”), Frank Grillo (“Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Warrior”) as Brock Rumlow/Crossbones, William Hurt (“A History of Violence,” Marvel’s “The Incredible Hulk”) as General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross and Martin Freeman (“The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”).

“Captain America: Civil War” picks up where “Avengers: Age of Ultron” left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.

Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” is produced by Marvel Studios’ president, Kevin Feige, with Louis D’Esposito, Alan Fine, Victoria Alonso, Patricia Whitcher, Nate Moore and Stan Lee serving as executive producers.

Directors Joe and Anthony Russo’s creative team also includes director of photography Trent Opaloch (“Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Elysium”), production designer Owen Paterson (“Godzilla,” “Matrix”), and three time Oscar®-nominated costume designer Judianna Makovsky (“Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”).

Based on the Marvel comic character first published in 1941, “Captain America: Civil War ” continues the lineage of epic big-screen adventures chronicled in “Iron Man,” “The Incredible Hulk,” “Iron Man 2,” “Thor,” “Captain America: The First Avenger,” “Marvel’s The Avengers,” “Iron Man 3,” “Thor: The Dark World,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and the upcoming release schedule, which includes Marvel’s “Ant-Man” on July 17, 2015, Marvel’s “Doctor Strange,” on November 4, 2016, Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy 2,” on May 5, 2017, and Marvel’s “Thor: Ragnarok,” on November 3, 2017.

Marvel Studios most recently continued its unprecedented success with the release of “Avengers: Age of Ultron” on May 1, 2015. The film recorded the second biggest opening weekend of all time with a $191.3 million box office. It has also been the #1 release in every country where it has been released.

Movie News

The Avengers Infinity War To Be Filmed Entirely With New IMAX 2D Cameras

The Avengers: Infinity War Teaser

On the heels of the colossal domestic opening of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel, the Russo brothers and IMAX Corporation today announced that Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Parts 1 & 2, the two-part installment to the global blockbuster franchise, will be shot in their entirety using IMAX and ARRI’s next generation revolutionary 2D digital camera – a joint customized digital version of ARRI’s new large format camera, the Alexa 65.

The two-part Avengers saga marks the first time a Hollywood feature film will have been shot completely using IMAX cameras and will featureIMAX’s exclusive aspect ratio, providing moviegoers a uniquely immersive experience.

Prior to filming Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Parts 1 & 2, Joe and Anthony Russo, who also directed Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, will use the IMAX/ARRI 2D digital camera for select action sequences on the forthcoming Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, which will release in IMAX theatres in May of 2016.

Joe and Anthony Russo stated, “The intent with the Infinity War films is to bring ten years of accumulative storytelling to an incredible climax. We felt that the best way to exploit the scale and scope required to close out the final chapter of these three phases, was to be the first films shot entirely on the IMAX/ARRI Digital camera.”

“Over the years, IMAX has had the incredible good fortune to work with some of the world’s finest, most talented filmmakers, who continue to push the envelope both technically and creatively,” said Greg Foster, Senior Executive Vice President, IMAX Corp. and CEO of IMAX Entertainment. “We could not be more excited to deepen our partnership with Joe and Anthony Russo, a pair of filmmakers we believe are next-generation trailblazers. Marvel’s Avengers franchise has become a global phenomenon and to have it pay off in this epic way using the IMAX/ARRI digital camera is the very definition of event movie-going.”

The next-generation 2D digital camera – co-developed by IMAX and ARRI – is meant for use by today’s leading filmmakers working in the IMAX® format. The joint solution is designed as a complementary tool to IMAX’s high-resolution capture technologies – including its 3D digital and 15perf / 65mm film cameras. Moreover, IMAX worked with ARRI to achieve the highest level of digital image capture for playback on IMAX’s xenon and new laser projection systems.

IMAX recently began rolling out its next-generation laser projection system, with more than 71 laser system deals signed globally to date. Such iconic venues to feature the new system include the newly retro-fitted Airbus IMAX Smithsonian Theatre at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA., and Seattle’s Boeing IMAX Theatre at Pacific Science Center, both of which re-opened in time for the release of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron – the first film to be re-mixed for IMAX’s new 12 channel sound system at these IMAX with laser locations.

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1 is slated for release in IMAX theatres on May 4, 2018; Part 2 will open on May 3, 2019.

The IMAX 3D release of Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Parts 1 & 2 will be digitally re-mastered into the image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience® with proprietary IMAX DMR® (Digital Re-mastering) technology. The crystal-clear images, coupled with IMAX’scustomized theatre geometry and powerful digital audio, create a unique environment that will make audiences feel as if they are in the movie.


Movie News

Rumored Captain America: Civil War Costume Descriptions & Giant-Man Confirmed?


As often is the case with the Marvel and Avengers movies, the various characters get upgrades and new costumes (works for the merchandising).

Now a potential list of changes for the characters’ looks and costumes for Captain America: Civil War has become known.

We’ve already got an inkling of the changes as some of the characters sported new costumes at the end of The Avengers 2 as part of the New Avengers and reported Captain America: Civil War promo art has shown an updated look for Iron Man (possibly Bleeding Edge armor) and a slight alteration to the Captain America Avengers 2 costume.

The info comes from the Sideshow Collectors forum (Sideshow sells the Hoy Toys collectibles and such).


Captain America: Said to be a modified Avengers: Age Of Ultron suit; a cleaner design sitting somewhere between The Winter Solider stealth and AoU suits. The poster goes on to state that: “Those who think the AoU suit is overdesigned will like this new version. Compared to AoU, they got rid of a lot of the red highlights as well as the white on the biceps. The arms do have a red line going across where the bicep meets the shoulder. The rest of the suit is a direct carryover from AoU, including Avengers logo, arm magnets, and gaiters.”



Iron  Man: The new suit will be a modified version of The Avengers 2 suit, “but with a few key changes” including: “more gold in the torso and arms to break up the all the 45’s red, smoother faceplate design (similar to the Mk3-7 helmets), and last but not least, an inverted trapezoid cutout over the round chest RT.”



Black Panther:  The costume is said to be not that much different than the concept art. The poster states: “The suit is generally fabric throughout, with the mask being metal or some other hard material. The necklace is still there. I did get to see some early CGI work showing BP’s movements. They pretty much nailed it, very acrobatic and animal-like, not quite the acrobat as Spider-Man, you can definitely tell BP’s carrying more weight than Spidey as he moves around.”



Ant-Man: The poster states Ant-Man will be in the movie, presumed to be the Scott Lang version played by Paul Rudd. It’s also said Lang will have the Giant-Man ability and offers the suit looks pretty much the same from this Summer’s Ant-Man movie. “The new ability is most definite.” 



Falcon: His Captain America: Civil War costume is stated to be very dark overall with mostly dark gray and some red. The poster said it reminded him of Wolverine’s X-Men: Days Of Future Past costume, and says it has a “mix of hard armor components and fabric. Wings look pretty much the same as The Winter Soldier.”




War Machine: The poster has seen concept art revealing War Machine fighting Falcon, where War Machine is wearing what appears to be a new suit; however, at the same time the poster has seen other concept art for War Machine where it’s the MK2 suit from Iron Man 3 and Age Of Ultron.

Crossbones: Frank Grillo will be featured in full costume as Crossbones, which is said to look very “Stevenson Punisher-esqie.” The Crossbones costume will consist of black tactical gear with crossbones graffit painted on the chest and a skull design on the mask. According to the poster, the Crossbones costume “looks pretty faithful to the comic look.”

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Emily VanCamp and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.

Marvel Movie News

Kevin Feige Extends Marvel Contract; Talks MCU


Good news for fans of the Marvel cinematic universe as it’s learned Kevin Feige has extended his Marvel contract.

Feige recently attended a Q&A at his alma mater, the University of Southern California, where students watched a prescreening of Avengers 2.

Feige offered his Marvel contract has recently been renewed, but wouldn’t say anything more on the subject. Update: It’s now being said Kevin Feige didn’t say his contract has been renewed, but that some of the actors had their contracts renewed.

Feige is the president and producer of Marvel Studios overseeing the billion dollar plus franchise for Disney as well as is involved with Marvel properties at other studios including Sony’s Spider-Man.

The most recent Marvel movie to have debuted, The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, is already at $700 million worldwide. Up next for Feige is Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and Part 2 and the new Sony standalone Spider-Man.

At the Q&A, Feige also let it be known that at any given moment Marvel is thinking 10 to 20 years ahead for their films, but is actively working on the next 5 years, and that what matters most is the movie coming out next. Feige said the current long term focus is the Phase 3 movies.

Feige also said that the characters from the Marvel TV series might make future appearances in future films – or they might not – but that they won’t rule anything out.

Another detail mentioned by Kevin Feige was that a scene meant for The Avengers 2 will show up in Captain America: Civil War, which was a joint decision by both Feige and director Joss Whedon. Feige said the scene was one of his favorites.

Regarding the future use of the same actors, Feige let it be known the characters will continue, but whether or not they will continue with the current actors is unknown as absolutely nothing is set in stone.

Feige answered a question regarding the MCU becoming “darker” (I’m guessing compared to the DC movies) with Feige responding the Marvel movies won’t be going that route, but will always have the tone and humor they have now. Feige said he “hoped people would catch on by now” that there will be “no giant dark turns in the MCU – the humor is the DNA of the movies and there are no plans to change that.”

One last tidbit includes mention Quicksilver will stay dead. Feige said Quicksilver won’t be resurrected (i.e. Coulson Lives). Feige said Quicksilver is dead and wanted to make sure people understood that.

Thanks to redditor JonLuca for posting his class notes.

Movie News

Captain America Chris Evans Civil War Promo Art

Another piece of reported Captain America: Civil War art has surfaced online this time of Chris Evans as Cap.

We’ve previously seen potential Civil War art for Iron Man and Cap vs. Iron Man as well.

This looks to be pretty much the same as the Avengers: Age Of Ultron costume.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Emily VanCamp and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Movie News

Emily VanCamp Returns For Captain America: Civil War


It’s learned Emily VanCamp will be back for Captain America: Civil War.

Deadline reports following the end of the four-season run on Revenge, VanCamp will be back as Agent 13, aka Sharon Carter.

VanCamp first appeared as Agent 13 in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as Steve Rogers’ next door neighbor under the alias of “Kate” where she was ordered by S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect Captain America. Emily VanCamp also hosted the Marvel 75th Anniversary special that aired on ABC.

Regarding Emily VanCamp’s role in Captain America: Civil War, the report states her storyline is being kept under wraps.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.

Movie News

New Details For Marvel’s Spider-Man & Potential List Of Directors


New possible information for the new Spider-Man has come to light regarding story and directors.

Deadline is reporting Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal may plan a three or four movie story arc for Spider-Man, each one covering a year in high school for Peter Parker.

It’s also said the Spider-Man origin story will be skipped over for Peter Parker, so we’ll find Peter already with the Spider-Man powers in high school. 

It’s said the tone they are searching for in the “coming of age tale” is “John Hughes (Home Alone, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Beethoven, Vacation) humor and emotion, plus all the superhero stuff.”

The list of potential directors is said to include: “50/50 and Warm Bodies writer/helmer Jonathan Levine; Ted Melfi, writer/director of Golden Globe-nommed St. VincentPitch Perfect helmer Jason Moore; John Francis Daley & Jonathan M. Goldstein, the directors/writers of the updated version of John Hughes’ Vacation; and Napoleon Dynamite and Don Verdean writer/director Jared Hess.”

According to the report, the decision could come by the end of next week.

It’s further said a search for the new young actor to play Spider-Man is ongoing as well, and that the role may be cast before the director and writers of the new Spider-Man movie as the character is needed for Captain America: Civil War.

No mention in the report is made of Drew Goddard, who was said to be a Amy Pascal favorite to stick with the franchise following whatever happened to Sinister Six.

The new Spider-Man movie is due out in 2017.

Movie News

Martin Freeman Joins Captain America: Civil War


Martin Freeman, known for Sherlock and The Hobbit movies, has joined the cast of Captain America: Civil War. made the announcement, but the role is presently unknown.

Any ideas?

Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” has added another name to its growing cast with Martin Freeman, who will make his debut in the film.

“From his roles as Bilbo Baggins and Doctor Watson to Tim in ‘The Office,’ Martin’s range from the dramatic to the comedic has consistently impressed us,” said “Captain America: Civil War” Producer Kevin Feige. “We couldn’t be more honored or excited to have such a talented actor join the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”

Celebrated for his roles in “Sherlock,” “Fargo,” the “Hobbit” trilogy, and much more, Freeman has earned one Primetime EmmyAward and one BAFTA Award, both for his portrayal of Doctor John Watson in “Sherlock.” Martin has also been nominated for a Golden Globe for his role of Lester Nygaard in “Fargo”, and nominated for a further two Emmy Awards and two BAFTA Awards. Most recently Martin has been seen hosting SNL and has filmed Tina Fey’s untitled wartime black comedy.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.

Movie News

Captain America: Civil War Iron Man Promo Art

A second piece of promo/concept art for Captain America: Civil War has hit the net featuring the Iron Man armor.

It appears as if Marvel is moving closer to the Iron Man Bleeding Edge armor from the comics, which The Avengers 2 suit also resembles. The Bleeding Edge armor, in the comics, is kept inside Tony’s body using nano-tech and is one of Tony’s most powerful suits ever – even enabling Iron Man to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Thor and the Red Hulk. 

The previous Captain America 3 concept art featured Captain America vs. Iron Man.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Bleeding Edge armor / The Avengers 2 armor:


Movie News

Captain America: Civil War Is A Set Up For Avengers: Infinity War (Video)

Earlier, concept art from Captain America: Civil War hit the net, and now MTV has a video asking The Avengers 2 cast their thoughts on the movie.

“This time I’m not invited,” Hemsworth stated when it was mentioned Captain America 3 looks like another Avengers movie. “I think I was busy doing something else.”

Evans added: “Yeah, they do have a lot, but it’s to jump off into the next Avengers: The Infinity Wars. So Cap 3 is going to kind of be the set-up of the real battle. Yeah. There are a lot of people. There are a lot of people in Captain America 3.”

Jeremy Renner again confirms his involvement as Hawkeye in Civil War: “That’s the idea. That’s the idea.” Renner also says he knows some of those things regarding whose side Hawkeye falls on, but won’t say anything more.

Likewise, Scarlett Johansson says she knows which side Black Widow is on, but doesn’t get to say much more as Mark Ruffalo says he is not in Civil War and jokes with Johansson about putting in a good word; Johansson says the Russo’s are big fans of his.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


(photoshopped Civil War art with Thanos Imperative art)

Movie News

Captain America: Civil War Concept Art Revealed

Star Wars and Suicide Squad aren’t slowing down Captain America: Civil War as a pieice of concept art has hit the net.

Check out Captain America taking on Iron Man.

The movie is filming in Atlanta.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Movie News

General Thunderbolt Ross William Hurt Suits Up For Captain America 3?


Update: Marvel has confirmed William Hurt as General Ross For Captain America: Civil War.


While the Hulk has yet to be confirmed for Captain America: Civil War, it’s possible General “Thunderbolt” Ross might be featured.

William Hurt, who played Ross in the 2008 Incredible Hulk movie, is said to have been spotted in Atlanta with the cast of Captain America 3.

Reportedly, Hurt may have had dinner at a local restaurant with some of the other actors.

However, it’s unclear whether William Hurt was present as a blog mentions Hurt as being part of the cast – making it sound as if Hurt was at the dinner – but the blogger may have just grabbed Hurt’s name from IMDb, which is not 100% reliable as it’s a user-generated website.

The blogger also added he heard a big scene is planned for downtown Atlanta and that Robert Downey Jr. visited a local restaurant.

It’s possible General Ross could be present in Civil War acting as a part of the government to take down the heroes, possibly even a part of Tony and Iron Man’s side.

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.

Movie News

Spider-Man Can Now Play With The Avengers (Image)!

Once upon a time, Spider-Man wasn’t allowed to play with the Avengers as Spidey belonged to another movie studio.

Now Spidey has been a good boy and is allowed to play with his Avenger pals as he has joined the likes of Marvel Studios.

Recall the following image showing Spider-Man being pulled away from the Avengers? The image went viral and was said to have even been passed around by the Sony execs.

With Spider-Man now at Marvel, the artist is back with a new image – Spider-Man playing with the Avengers!

The artist responsible for the two pics is Mauricio Abril; you can find more of his art on Facebook.



Movie News

Frank Grillo Tweets Crossbones; Chris Evans Starts Captain America 3 Filming


It sounds as if filming on Captain America: Civil War has begun or is about to start soon as Chris Evans has tweeted out he shaved his beard.

Evans posted on Twitter: “Dear beard We had a good run, but this is where I leave you. Thank you for braving the Boston winter with me. I miss you already #Cap3Begins.”

We also hear from Captain America’s archnemesis, played by fan-favorite actor Frank Grillo, who tweets a pic of Crossbones adding: “I laugh at your super powers. Grab your hammers and shields and what ever else you need. I’m ready.

Captain America: Civil War films in Atlanta.

The film has a May 6, 2016 release directed by Joe and Anthony Russo also starring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Sebastian Stan as the Winter Soldier, Anthony Mackie as Falcon, Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, and the movie is heavily speculated to introduce the new Spider-Man.

Movie News

Captain America 2, Thor 2 & Guardians of the Galaxy Now On Netflix


Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Thor: The Dark World and Guardians of the Galaxy are now available to stream on Netflix.

However, the catch is the movies are streaming in certain foreign countries.

Users are reporting on Reddit that using the Chrome “Hola Better Net” extension, the movies are accessible anywhere.

How it works is, Netflix knows the location of where you are viewing the movies based on your cpu/internet provider settings, and only certain movies are available in select countries.

The Hola extension enables users to mask and change their location via a VPN. So for example, if you are in the U.S., you can use Hola to change your location to the Netherlands and view the movies.

Apparently, Netflix has been under pressure from the movie studios as they have caught on to the trick, and Netflix may be banning users who use VPNs to access the service.

It’s unclear where this falls under copyright laws as technically you are not downloading the movie, and it is “available” to stream. 

So here is your fair warning: If you decide to go the Hola route, do so at your own risk.

Reportedly, the Marvel movies will be readily available on Netflix later this year.

Movie News

Robert Downey Jr. Possibly Appearing In Spider-Man Movie? (Video)

With Spider-Man speculated to be first appearing in Captain America: Civil War, it’s possible the 2017 Spider-Man standalone move could feature Iron Man (especially if you are familiar with the comics).

Above you can check out an interview with Robert Downey Jr. from a couple of weeks ago where RDJ is asked about Spider-Man.

Robert Downey Jr. tells EOnline that he is “old school” and would rather have Peter Parker as the new Spider-Man over Miles Morales (Kevin Feige has since confirmed the new Spidey is Parker).

Robert Downey Jr. also says he would like Spider-Man to join The Avengers, and the article makes mention that RDJ might be featured in the standalone Spider-Man movie noting RDJ didn’t exactly deny the notion.

An actor has yet to be cast for Spider-Man, but five actors are rumored including Nat Wolff, Asa Butterfield, Tom Holland, Timothee Chalametand Liam James.

“Captain America: Civil War” has a May 6, 2016 release; the Spider-Man movie is due out July 28, 2017.


Movie News

Robert Downey Teases Spider-Man In Captain America 3 While On Letterman (Video)

Robert Downey Jr. recently appeared on David Letterman to promote The Avengers 2 where Captain America: Civil War was brought up.

Dave jokes with RDJ that he doesn’t know too much about the movie and says Iron Man has to win. 

Letterman then mentions Spider-Man, with Robert Downey Jr. teasing, “He may well be. Yeah. I hear they are looking to cast a new Spider-Man.”

Dave then asks, “Who do we root for? Captain America, Iron Man or Spider-Man?”

“That’s up to the people,” RDJ responds as he points to himself.

Spider-Man will first appear in a Marvel film before the 2017 standalone movie.

Said to be up for the role of Spider-Man are five actors: Nat Wolff, Asa Butterfield, Tom Holland, Timothee Chalamet and Liam James.

Marvel Movie News

5 Names Surface For New Spider-Man


Five names have apparently surfaced for Marvel’s new Spider-Man.

The reporter for The Wrap, who also said he was 95% sure Spider-Man is going to be non-white, is now stating Nat Wolff, Asa Butterfield, Tom Holland, Timothee Chalamet and Liam James are in the mix to play Peter Parker, which are all white actors.

According to the report, Sony is preparing to offer the actors a chance to test for the role, with it said a decision on the new Spider-Man will take place in the next 2-3 weeks. 

It’s also said the new Spider-Man won’t be needed until June for Captain America: Civil War.

Previous details confirmed by Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige included the new Spider-Man and Peter Parker will be in high school, and that Marvel already has the new costume ready.

Drew Goddard is said to be Sony’s choice to direct the standalone Spider-Man film in 2017.

Some info on the contenders (pictured above from left to right):

Nat Wolff – 20 years old; known for The Fault In Our Stars and The Naked Brothers Band.

Asa Butterfield – 18 years old; known for Hugo and Ender’s Game.

Tom Holland – 18 years old; known for Wolf Hall and The Impossible.

Timothee Chalamet – 19 years old; known for Interstellar and Homeland.

Liam James – 18 years old; known for The Killing and Psych.

Movie News Star Wars

Marvel Phase 2 Contains Same Star Wars Easter Eggs


It seems just about everyone missed this one as Kevin Feige has let it be known he included the same Star Wars Easter Egg in each of the Marvel Phase 2 movies.

Speaking with CinemaBlend, Feige said he is a big Star Wars fan and offered:

So is this a spoiler for Ant-Man… not really. I’m obsessed with Star Wars. Who’s not? I’m 40 years old. I’m in the movie business. I went to USC. So I’m obsessed with Star Wars – and it didn’t start out as intentional, but it became intentional, including that beat that you referenced. It sort of happens in every Star Wars movie, but I was sort of looking at it, ‘Okay, is Phase Two our Empire Strikes Back?’ Not really, but tonally things are a little different. Somebody gets their arm cut off in every Phase Two movie. Every single one.

Regarding the Easter Eggs:

Iron Man 3 featured Guy Pearce’s character, Aldrich Killian, getting his arm cut off by Tony Stark when he heats up Iron Man’s suit and the end of the movie.

Thor 2 features Thor getting his arm “cut off” by Loki.

Captain America 2 features a flashback where Bucky had his own arm cut off when he fell from the train in Captain America: The First Avenger.

James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy also had a similar Star Wars Easter Egg with Gamora cutting Groot’s arm off (this might be the enigmatic Easter Egg Gunn keeps referring to that he says everyone missed).

Those are the Star Wars Easter Eggs known to date as The Avengers 2 is yet to be released – so be on the look out for someone getting their arm cut off just like Luke Skywalker from Empire Strikes Back.


Movie News

Spider-Man Sony Hacked Documents Now Online


The leaked e-mails and documents as a result of the recent Sony hack are now online.

WikiLeaks published all the hacked documents, which includes information on Spider-Man and Marvel.

The WikiLeaks site has a search engine which allows users to input keywords, with “Spider-Man” returning more than 1000 results (inputting “Marvel” yields a similar number).

Leaked e-mails also reveal communications between Pascal and Disney billionaire and Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter.

E-mails reveal that Pascal and Perlmutter had a friendly relationship as e-mails are regularly sent back and forth between the two ranging from Pascal congratulating Marvel for a movie’s success, to Perlmutter and Pascal talking about Kevin Feige, to Perlmutter offering Pascal a Happy Jewish New Year and a happy birthday.

Further e-mails reveal some sort of problem with Drew Goodard as litigation is cited. E-mails from Head Of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb state something about litigation, Drew Goddard, Sony and Netflix – with Perlmutter replying to Pascal they should be “very concerned,” which was dated April 15, 2014. Subsequent e-mails read Marvel worked everything out, with Pascal excited for the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Goddard writing Sinister Six. Perlmutter regularly replies Marvel and Disney will help in any way and often calls Spider-Man, Marvel’s “baby.”

An e-mail sent from the CEO of Sony, Michael Lynton, reads he thought putting Spider-Man in Captain America 3 served no benefit to Marvel: “Putting Spider-Man in Captain America 3 with Chris Evans and with Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man doesn’t provide much benefit to Marvel, but it definitely provides a significant amount of benefit to Sony and to Spider-Man.”

An e-mail offers a tidbit about Sinister Six in that Spider-Man is set to appear. Andrew Garfield had questions about his pay as he wondered if it would be the equivalent of  an “Amazing Spider-Man 3,” as well as if it would fulfill his three movie contract obligation. Sony’s Doug Belgrad told Garfield’s reps Sinister Six was a “standalone” with Spider-Man only set to “appear.” In addition, a Sony e-mail reads they are not paying Garfield “the same money.”

Another e-mail from Perlmutter to Lynton reads Perlmutter apparently is against solo female movies and cites Electra, Catwoman and Supergirl as being “disasters.”

An e-mail from an executive at Marvel, John Turitzin, concerns Fox’s Deadpool movie as an article at Variety is cited to state Kevin Feige is producing. Turitzin’s e-mail to Bob Cohen of Fox Studios tells Fox that isn’t the case and to correct their information. The e-mail says Marvel doesn’t want people to think there is a chance of a Marvel / Fox crossover with the “falsehood” of Feige being involved on Deadpool (dated October 2014).

Regarding Spider-Man returning to Marvel, e-mails from Lynton to Perlmutter feature a list of articles on various sites, dated October 2014, about the character’s return. Perlmutter states some of the mainstream press is asking about Spider-Man returning to Marvel – with Perlmutter questioning “how can this be?” – and states it could be a problem. Lynton responds it has been brought to his attention, but he has no idea where it’s coming from, and that it can be ignored.

Other leaked Spider-Man documents include information on the Amazing Spider-Man films media budget, TV spots, Amazing Spider-Man 2 Superbowl trailer, marketing strategy (where a memo mentions they think AS2 will do better than the first), and lots more.

Bear in mind the e-mails were date 2014, so obviously things could have changed regarding some of the contents and subjects (and obviously have such as Spider-Man now a part of Marvel).

Movie News

Mark Ruffalo Says Marvel Can’t Make Hulk Solo Movie (Video)

We’ve heard mention of a potential Planet Hulk movie and maybe even World War Hulk some time down the line; however, now it’s learned there can be no new Hulk solo movie.

While many have been asking Marvel and Mark Ruffalo about a new solo Hulk movie for years, now Ruffalo comes out with it and says Marvel can’t even make a Hulk solo movie.

The rights to Hulk solo movies seem to be tied up with Universal Studios (whom also happen to have the rights tied up for Namor).

Ruffalo tells the Collider in an interview: “As far as a Hulk movie, a standalone Hulk movie, Marvel doesn’t really have the rights to that yet. That’s still Universal’s property, so there’s that issue. That’s a big impediment to moving forward with that. Now I don’t think that’s insurmountable, by the way, but I don’t know where it’s going from here for me.”

So we gather from what Ruffalo is saying is that the Hulk can’t be the main character of the movie, like in a “Planet Hulk”; however, as we see with the Avengers movies, the Hulk can be a supporting character in other films. I suppose if Marvel really wanted to, they could do Planet Hulk, but call it “The Warbound” (or some other title) and make sure the Hulk has just enough less screen time than another Marvel character (i.e. another team movie).

Universal apparently has the distribution rights to the Hulk solo films, with Marvel’s parent company, Disney, more than likely not wanting to pair up with Universal.

Ruffalo also mentioned he thinks he has around four Marvel movies left on his contract
– which could be for a Hulk standalone movie if it ever happened – and offers he can appear in any Marvel movies, not just Avengers films.

“I think it’s four now, but that could always go further. That could include different—I could show up in another character’s movie; I could do Avengers 3 and 4; I could do a Hulk standalone; I could do a combination of those things. That’s four or five, I think.”

Regarding Captain America: Civil War, Ruffalo said he hasn’t gotten a call for it, but says: “Sometimes these things happen at the last minute in this world.”

Mark Ruffalo stars as Bruce Banner and the Hulk in The Avengers: Age Of Ultron out May 1, 2015.

Hulk vs Hulkbuster Iron Man Clip:

Movie News

Kevin Feige Talks Spider-Man, Avengers: Infinity War, Doctor Strange, Captain America 3 & More

Kevin Feige continues to make the press rounds for Avengers 2, with this time the president of Marvel Studios asked about a potentially non-white Spider-Man.

In the above video, Feige is asked about Miles Morales with Feige responding:

We’ve always thought it should be Peter. We’ve never seen the MCU version of Peter Parker. It felt like we needed to see that first. Miles, I think is awesome. There are opportunities for him, for sure, if this all works and continues.

The potenital for a non-white Spider-Man is then brought up, with Feige responding:

Maybe. The field is very wide right now in terms of who we are looking at within a certain age range.

Feige also answered questions on Captain Marvel and offered they didn’t want to introduce her flying around without anyone knowing her character, and Feige offered in an earlier version of an Avengers 2 script, Carol Danvers was a part of it.

Regarding Doctor Strange, Feige offers the supernatural side of the MCU is something they have been talking about for a long time. Feige says director Scott Derrickson and the producing team are scouting locations in NYC with filming to take place in London this November. Feige also offers Benedict Cumberbatch is so excited, and they haven’t discussed Strange’s accent yet (Cumberbatch is British).

Feige is also asked if there is a possibilty to add in other Marvel movies in Phase 3, like a Hulk movie or Iron Man 4. Feige said they already added in Spider-Man, but said he would be more worried about having to change the schedule again than adding in more movies.

On Thor 3, Feige offers they are currently writing the script and looking for a director(s) and again confirms Loki and Tom Hiddleston, and says Loki has an integral role in Thor: Ragnarok.

Regarding the two part Avengers: Infinity War films, Feige says they wouldn’t be one big movie cut in half, but two distinct movies.

Captain America 3 shoots in two weeks, with Feige offering Cap is still the primary focus.

Movie News

Marvel’s Spider-Man Gets New Costume & No Origin


Earlier saw Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige confirm that Peter Park is in high school, and now Feige offers further details.

While doing press for Avengers 2, Kevin Feige speaks with Crave Online about Spider-Man stating there will not be not an origin story and confirms a brand new costume.

“It will not be an origin story,“ Feige offered. “But, with great power comes great responsibility. It is inherent to who his character is. But we want to reveal it in different ways and spend much more time focusing on this young high school kid in the MCU dealing with his powers.

“There is a young kid [already] running around New York City in a homemade version of the Spider-Man costume in the MCU, you just don’t know it yet,” Feige said with a laugh.

Feige continues with mention of an idea what they will do with Spider-Man.

“And also the notion that he is very, very funny and very, very witty when he’s in that costume, swinging around,” Feige said. “Not as a standup comedian, obviously, but as almost his nervous energy, bothering the criminals with banter as much as with his powers. That’s something that I think we’re excited to explore.”

Kevin Feige also confirms they have designed the new costume, and that they have been thinking of Spider-Man for a while – ever since the Phase 3 plans started.

“…we’ve already designed the costume, which is different than any of the ones that have come before. And yet ours is classic Spidey, as I think you’ll see,” Feige said. “Spider-Man we knew about when we were doing that announcement in October. It could have gone either way, and Marvel as you well know doesn’t announce announce anything officially until it’s set in stone. So we went forward with that Plan A in October, with the Plan B being, if it were to happen with Sony, how it would all shift. We’ve been thinking about it as long as we’ve been thinking about Phase Three.”

Spider-Man is speculated to first appear in “Captain America: Civil War” in May 2016, with the standalone Spider-Man movie, of which Feige is producing, due out from Sony in 2017.

Marvel Movie News

Kevin Feige Confirms Peter Parker Is Spider-Man (Video)

While promoting The Avengers 2, Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige discusses Spider-Man.

Feige is in part responsible for bringing Spider-Man to the MCU as well as is a producer on the upcoming standalone Spider-Man movie from Sony in 2017.

Feige not only confirms Spider-Man will be Peter Parker, but also confirms the new Spider-Man will be in high school.

“We want to play with Spider-Man in the high school years,” Feige says in the above video. “Because, frankly, there have been five Spider-Man films and the amazing thing about it, is even though there have been five Spider-Man films, there is so many things from the comics that haven’t been done, yet. Not just characters or villains or supporting characters, but sides to his character. The most obvious being sort of the young-doesn’t-quite-fit-in-kid before his powers, and then the fellow that puts on a mask and swings around and fights bad guys, and doesn’t shut up [laughs]. Which is something we want to play with, and we are excited about, but also I think it was midway through the first film, he graduated high school. The beginning of the second Marc Webb film, he graduated high school. Some of my favorite Spider-Man arcs and Spider-Man stories –  he’s in highschool for a lot of it, and we want to explore that. That also makes him very, very different from any of our other characters in the MCU -which is something else we want to explore – is how unique he is in now put against all these other characters. In terms of the age of an actor we’ll eventually cast, I don’t know. In terms of the age who we believe Peter Parker is, I would say close to 15-16 is right.”

Spider-Man is also heavily speculated to be appearing in Captain America: Civil War, which debuts May 2016.

Update: Feige also confirms a re-designed Spider-Man costume and no origin.


Movie News

Russo Bros. Confirmed For Avengers: Infinity War 1 & 2


Joe and Anthony Russo are confirmed to direct The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and Part 2.

The Russo Bros. will be taking over from Joss Whedon for the third and fourth installments of The Avengers movies.

It’s reported both parts of The Infinity War movies will shoot simultaneously starting some time in 2016.

THR is also speculating that the Russo Bros. will most likely reunite with Captain America: The Winter Soldier writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, whom also collaborated on Captain America: Civil War, to script the two-part Avengers: Infinity War films.

The Russo’s will start filming Captain America: Civil War next month, which stars most of the Avengers actors including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner.

In addition to signing on fore the Infinity War movies with Marvel Studios, the Russo Bros. look to be ever busy as they also signed a three year first-look deal with Sony. The duo has also been rumored to be involved with the new Spider-Man in a producing capacity.

Captain America: Civil War hits May 6, 2016; The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 has a May 4, 2018 release, with Part 2 a year later on May 3, 2019.

Movie News

Joe Quesda Implies Peter Parker Will Be Spider-Man


While Marvel Comics is going the politically correct racial diversity route with their characters, good news comes from the chief creative officer at Marvel, Joe Quesada, regarding the new movie Spider-Man.

Quesada, who also used to be EIC at Marvel Comics, is asked about the new Spider-Man for the Sony / Marvel Studios venture by a fan on Tumblr.

JQ responds by stating the key to making Spider-Man great is Peter Parker.

Check it out:

Have you seen any visual concepts/early designs for Spidey 2017? Also, what’s one of the main things you feel is most important to making this Spider-Man film the best that it can be?

JQ: The trick to making any incarnation of Spider-Man great, whether comics, animation or film is Peter Parker. Get Peter’s character right and  the rest falls into place. 

Of course there is always the possibility that Marvel Studios could change Peter’s ethnicity, but per Joe Q’s statements above, it looks likely the new Spider-Man is still Peter Parker (and not Miles Morales).

The new Spider-Man is speculated to first appear in Captain America: Civil War, and then will have a standalone Spider-Man film in 2017.

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