Superman Writer Has Epic Meltdown Over Trump: Wants To Quit

Superman Writer Has Epic Meltdown Over Trump: Wants To Quit

Joining a long list of celebs and the writer of Captain Marvel, now a DC Comics and Marvel comics writer who is known for writing Superman is added to the list of those who are having epic meltdowns over Donald Trump winning the election in a landslide victory over Kamala Harris.

Trump secured 292 electoral votes to Harris’s 226. Trump also is on track to win the popular vote, now currently with 72,560,841 votes to Harris’ 67,878,826 votes.

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The Superman writer in question is none other than Mark Waid who fans know from Kingdom Come, Action Comics, Absolute Power, and more. Fans also know Waid from his at times bizarre rants on social media.

Waid recently went so far as to support Trump’s assassination attempt in July by “yelling” on social media at the shooter for missing:  “F–king idiot with sh–ty eyesight,” said Waid.

Now following the election, Mark Waid has an epic meltdown that seems him state he wants to quit comics, sell everything, and move to California where he will be “safe.”

“Even if by some miracle this turns around, I don’t believe in the basic goodness of my fellow Americans anymore, and without this, I cannot write superheroes,” Waid posted on Blue Sky (via Bounding Into Comics). “There’s no point. When you see a decline in the quality of my work soon, you’ll be able to trace it back to this night.”  

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mark waid absolute power

Action Comics and penciller Pete Woods also had a meltdown and questioned, “How is this happening? I’m wrecked. I used to believe in the basic goodness of people.”

Waid replied questioning how he can continue with things.

“I genuinely don’t know how to go on. I don’t believe in anything I write anymore, and I probably never will,” said Waid. “May be time to sell everything I own and retire here in CA where I’ll stand the best chance of being safe.”

Additional Hollywood celebs having meltdowns include Bette Midler who has deleted her X account, The View calling for social media censorship, Christina Applegate “reeling and sobbing” and more.

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