‘Superman & Lois’ Season 3 Villain Hints At Darkseid

'Superman & Lois' Season 3 Villain Hints At Darkseid

The Superman & Lois Season 3 villain has been revealed and it happens to be a big hint at the coming of Darkseid.

While some fans thought Season 2 villain Ally Allston was actually Granny Goodness, that didn’t happen, but it seems Darkseid is still a possibility.

Actor Chad L. Coleman, known for The Walking Dead and The Orville, has confirmed he is playing the Superman & Lois Season 3 villain Bruno Mannheim, the leader of Intergang, who in the comics is provided advanced tech by Darkseid in his plot to take over the Earth.

Coleman actually teased Darkseid by posting images on his Instagram.

“I couldn’t be more psyched to join the family!!!” posted the actor, adding in another post, ” I am thrilled to be joining the family!!! Superman & Lois #BrunoMannheim @GregBerlanti Thank you soooo much!”

Coleman also included David Ramsey in another post, who plays Diggle, as Ramsey confirmed Coleman as the villain recently at DragonCon.

“So incredibly excited to get to work!” said Coleman.

chad l coleman walking dead
Chad L. Coleman in ‘The Walking Dead’

Chad L. Coleman starring as Bruno Mannheim in Superman & Lois Season 3

Whether or not Darkseid will actually make an appearance in Superman & Lois remains to be seen, and back in June, showrunner Todd Helbing did state in an interview that “Darkseid might be a hard one to get on our show,”; however, as I previously mentioned maybe Geoff Johns is getting his own chance to do Darkseid. 

Recall that Johns got to do his own version of Cyborg on Titans while the Ray Fisher version appeared in Justice League, so just maybe we will get to see the Tyler Hoechlin Man of Steel take on Darkseid.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Chad L. Coleman!

Superman & Lois Season 3 is set to premiere as part of The CW’s midseason lineup next year.

Chad L. Coleman confirms Superman & Lois Season 3 villain:

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