‘Superman & Lois’ Loses 500k Viewers; ‘The Flash’ Ratings Low


Exactly as I predicted and feared, Superman & Lois has lost hundreds of thousands of viewers due to going on hiatus, which saw the show replaced by Supergirl that was a ratings disaster for The CW.

Superman & Lois returned Tuesday with an all new episode, but fans apparently forgot to return along with the Man of Steel.

The episode was only watched by 724k viewers, down near 42% and down 516k viewers from the previous episode’s 1.24 million viewers.

It’s unknown exactly why so many fans forgot about the show (more on that below), but the drop fits with The CW’s previous shows that have gone on hiatus, as there is a steep drop every single time after the winter break.

The case for Superman & Lois happens to be different compared to the other shows as due to the pandemic, Superman & Lois wasn’t able to complete filming on all of its episodes, hence the hiatus, so instead of delaying the debut of the series to May – which would see all the episodes air consectuvively – The CW chose to premiere in February and air four episodes and then go on a near two-month hiatus.

Time will tell if the decision was the right or wrong one, and hopefully the viewers return because the show is good, but just last week saw ratings lows for Batwoman, The Flash, and Supergirl, and now the following week there is a ratings low for Superman & Lois.

Not a good sign.

The Flash Superman CW

The Flash suffers ratings low likely impacting Superman & Lois

Speaking of The Flash, this week saw another all-time ratings low for the series as only 691k fans tuned in to watch Tuesday’s episode, which interestingly enough aired before the return of Superman & Lois.

The Flash is now down around 200k viewers, as previous episodes earlier in the season and in previous years averaged around a million viewers or more.

So it’s probably not hard to guess that those 200k viewers turned off by The Flash, also tuned out the return of Superman & Lois.

The Flash has really gone downhill and it’s such a shame to see as the first three seasons were really good, but the writing has been atrocious since then.

I’ve said it before, maybe The CW should consider airing Superman & Lois in that 8pm EST timeslot and switch The Flash to 9pm EST.

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