Stephen Amell Wants To Punch This Guy In The Face


Fans of Green Arrow and Hawkeye should get a kick out of the video above.

It features Danish Archer Lars Andersen performing various stunts with a bow and arrow.

Andersen also schools on the proper technique how to shoot the bow and arrow, which is unlike how Hollywood does it (same goes for real martial arts).

Andersen holds the arrows in-hand and shoots on the same side of the bow, while Hollywood uses a quiver and shoots from the opposite side.

Anderson is actually capable of shooting three bows using the technique in under a second. It’s actually incredible.

Arrow himself, Stephen Amell, has seen the video, and from judging from his Facebook post, multiple times.

“Everyone can stop sending me the video of that Danish archer,” Amell posted. “Is it impressive? Sure. Would he be as accurate if I punched him really hard in the mouth. I say no.”

Obviously, Amell doesn’t really want to punch the guy in the face, but we get the picture.

Here is an image of Lars Andersen holding the arrow on the right side (as he is right-handed).

Below, how does Stephen Amell hold it? And Jeremy Renner (left-handed)?

For more about Lars Andersen, check out the YouTube post.


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