Star Wars: The Last Jedi Box Office Tanking In China

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Box Office Tanking In China

The Star Wars: The Last Jedi box office in China – the #2 largest movie audience in the world – is mirroring the U.S. box office as it’s learned the movie is not doing all that well in the land of the setting sun.

THR reports Star Wars: The Last Jedi is “getting beaten badly” by the Chinese local comedy, The Ex-File 3, which opened in China a week ago.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi has seen its box office plummet in the U.S. as well with its second weekend release dropping near 70% – similar to Batman vs. Superman – and now Star Wars: The Last Jedi is even performing less than Star Wars: Rogue One on a daily basis, a movie not a part of the original trilogies.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi China Box Office

Apparently the Chinese aren’t big fans of Star Wars as it is reported both Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: Rogue One underpeformed in China, but it’s noted Star Wars: The Last Jedi is looking even worse than expected. 

Numbers in China for Star Wars: The Last Jedi include that the movie earned $560,000 in midnight previews (trailing by a large margin Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘ $2.5 million).

Star Wars: The Last Jedi China Box Office

China’s The Ex-File 3 is currently clobbering Star Wars: The Last Jedi as its Friday’s box office return is around $11.6 million compared to The Last Jedi‘s $5 million (and again, The Ex-File 3 has already been out a week in China).

It’s further noted that Star Wars: The Last Jedi had a lower box office than The Ex-File 3 despite having shown on substantially more screens in China (35.6 percent share of all Chinese screens compared to Ex-File‘s 32.3 percent).

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