Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge May Close and Get Re-Branded


Following the news from Disney that attendance at their parks is down, it is now being claimed that the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge land may close and be re-branded.

Grace Randolph responded to the lower attendance news by tweeting out: “Fascinating – I know my family likely won’t go back to @WaltDisneyWorld until 2021 when ALL the new rides & restaurants are open. How about you!” — which saw another Twitter user chime in as well.

Kslone on Twitter claims her son works at Disney and says the rumor circulating is that if the February numbers are down when Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is fully opened, that Disney may restructure and re-brand Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge to Alladin.

“The attractions and attendance have to get better at Galaxy Edge or it’s going to get restructured. My son (works at Disney) said the rumor – is that the park is waiting for the numbers in Feb. to come in (after the next attraction opens) if it doesn’t improve, it may be rebranded,” she tweeted.

An earlier tweet mentioned Aladdin.

“To be fair, not sure if anyone can figure out why it Galaxy Edge failed so badly. Maybe it was the $50 ticket increase. Who knows… corporate rumors are: IF the next attraction that opens in Galaxy Edge flops, then the land may be rebranded to fit ‘Aladdin’ and future sequels,” she tweeted.

Disney Star Wars Galaxys edge

Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is dead

The Twitter user continues offering the attraction is not all that good.

“Smugglers Edge (Millennium Falcon ride) is really bad. It’s basically an overpriced video arcade game. It’s odd for Disney to fail so epic in the parks. The entire land, including the Cantina is one big let down,” she said.

Kslone also responded to claims from another user that sales aren’t down and have been exceeding expectations.

“That’s a PR spin. My son works for Disneyland. Hours have been cut, attendance is WAY down, sales are extremely low compared to last summer and management have been told to ask part-time castmembers to take ADOs (additional days off). The park took a major hit this summer,” Kslone tweeted. “In addition, the college programs conversions were suspended for the first time in YEARS. Some part-time cast members are getting 1-2 days a week. No attendance. No labor.”

I was also told at Comic-Con that attendance at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is basically dead and no one is going, and Disney recently released their quarterly earnings report confirming Star Wars is on the decline once again and has been since the release of The Last Jedi, with reports offering kids are no longer interested in the franchise.

(h/t Dataracer117 on Twitter)

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