Star Wars: Episode IX Rumors Include Snoke, Luke

Star Wars: Episode IX

With the rumor that Disney is now turning their full attention to Star Wars: Episode IX, a bunch of new plot rumors have hit the net including that Snoke and Luke return, and that Kylo Ren will be bald, which was first seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi concept art.

According to a Redditor, the Star Wars: Episode IX rumors also include that the movie will feature Rey with a new lightsaber, Poe Dameron sporting a beard and Finn with two blaster pistols.

Regarding how Snoke returns in Star Wars: Episode IX, it’s said to be currently unknown, but noted it could be as a vision to Kylo Ren.

Luke is said to be a Force Ghost looking similar to how we last seen him in Star Wars: The last Jedi.

There also appears to be nods to the original Star Wars films with it noted Kylo Ren and Rey battle similar to a scene in Return of the Jedi.

Bear in mind these could be false. Check out the Star Wars: Episode IX rumors below the Last Jedi concept art of a bald Kylo Ren. 

Star Wars: Episode IX has a December 20, 2019 release directed by J.J. Abrams starring Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac and John Boyega.

Star Wars: Episode IX

Star Wars: Episode IX rumors:

• Rey has Jedi robes that resemble her costume from VII and VIII, Finn’s costume resembles that of a gunslinger with two blaster pistols, Poe Dameron has a beard, and Rose is associated with computers so my guess is that she’s in charge of intel

• Kylo Ren is bald and has a costume that’s like his Force Awakens one except it’s much lighter in color like Snoke’s, Hux looks jaded as ever but has a more extravagant costume making me believe that he’s been promoted from General

• Snoke looks much creepier than in Last Jedi, his entire face is deformed, not just half of it. I don’t know how he returns but I’m assuming it’s as a vision/apparition to Kylo Ren

• Luke indeed returns as a Force ghost. He looks exactly like he does in Crait at the end of VIII. He and Kylo Ren share a scene as far as I can tell

• Rey uses a green crossguard lightsaber that is nowhere near as crackly as Kylo’s. It’s a fine blade that is kind of like the one briefly glimpsed by Ezra in the Malachor episode of Star Wars Rebels

• Luke’s planet in VIII returns complete with the charred ruins of the library tree, where on the ground you can see the two halves of Luke’s old lightsaber. Rey has a peaceful scene on this planet

• There is a ‘palace planet’ that has a more regal look and feel to it. Rey and Kylo have a scene here alone

• There is at least one scene with Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, and BB-8 in enemy territory i.e. they are surrounded by Stormtroopers (word has it that this is the opening sequence of the movie and it also involves Rose and Hux)

• The Millennium Falcon is back and Rose, Rey, Chewie and Poe take turns piloting it throughout the course of the movie

• There is a scene on Jakku with Rey. There’s a scene on Takodana with Maz Kanata and Chewbacca

• Rey and Kylo Ren cross lightsaber blades in a First Order throne room almost exactly like Luke and Vader in VI, except there’s no one sitting on the throne (so I guess there is no bigger evil or anything like that and the primary villain is Kylo Ren)

• There’s a space battle that mirrors medieval warfare formations and tactics in several ways. Said space battles have a number of TIE fighters not previously seen in any Star Wars film

• Kylo Ren has a new ship that’s basically a more aggressive Imperial Shuttle

• What I didn’t find- Any sign of the characters Captain Phasma, General Leia, Benicio Del Toro (the rogue codebreaker guy), Han Solo, Admiral Holdo. Also no other Jedi/Dark Side/Sith characters other than Rey, Kylo Ren, Luke and Snoke. No pirate ship either.

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