Star Wars: Episode IX: Epic Luke Scenes Rumored

Star Wars Episode IX: Epic Luke Scenes Rumored

With LucasFilm at Disney in big trouble, it’s up to J.J. Abrams and Star Wars: Episode IX to attempt to make right what Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson did wrong — particularly with Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker.

Hamill has gone on record many times that it was not “his” Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi, and recently at the end of August, Mark Hamill even responded to a fan that he doesn’t understand why Luke gave up in The Last Jedi, and that when he finds out he’ll let you know.

In addition, J.J. Abrams really set up Luke Skywalker for greatness at the end of The Force Awakens, but Kennedy and Johnson changed those plans (see below), so it is both assumed and hoped that Abrams will be fixing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode IX to please all the fans upset by the previous movie, which judging from the reception to Han Solo is a lot.

Now new rumors have hit the net about Luke in Star Wars: Episode IX in what sounds like some epic scenes, but again, there looks to be some controversy surrounding them.

The end of Star Wars: The Last Jedi saw Rian Johnson seemingly kill off Luke Skywalker when he disappeared, à la Yoda, so what is J.J. Abrams to do? Abrams’ original plans for Luke at the end of Force Awakens was to reveal Luke in all his Force glory moving boulders around him as Rey found him on the planet, but because of Rian Johnson’s cruddy story – having Luke turn away from The Force – that had to be cut and couldn’t be done.

Now this is where the controversy kicks in for Luke and Episode IX, because the rumors have it that Abrams is going to return to his original idea for Luke, but show an uber-powerful young Luke Skywalker through flashback scenes.

Two pieces of info potentially verify flashback scenes for Luke in Episode IX, which is that Mark Hamill has been spotted with a shaved beard (as a young Luke didn’t sport a beard), and the other happens to be that Disney is using de-ageing technology in the upcoming Marvel Studios Captain Marvel movie for Samuel L. Jackson and Clark Gregg, to de-age the actors by 25 years. We also saw Robert Downey Jr. de-aged back in Captain America: Civil War.

Star Wars Luke vs Vader

Note: Star Wars: Episode IX Spoilers follow

Regarding the epic Luke scenes in Star Wars: Episode IX (via YouTube), one is said to be of Luke wielding The Force against a Star Destroyer and bringing it down on a sand planet with his outstretched metal hand. Sound familiar? It’s the same downed Star Destroyer from Abram’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Jakku.

Another epic scene is said to involve Rey and Kylo Ren in a jungle scene where they see Luke having a lightsaber battle with none other than Darth Vader.

Still another scene shows Luke transforming from his young self into his older bearded self, which possibly confirms Luke will be back as a Force Ghost and not alive like everyone is hoping for (through use of The Force or that he teleported at the end of The Last Jedi).

Why this is a bit controversial is because it shows something that already happened, that took place in the past, and shows us what could have been if Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson didn’t screw things up so bad.

Fans want Luke alive in Episode IX or not at all.

A huge display of power by a young Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode IX will also further upset fans, as again, why would Luke then act the way he did in The Last Jedi?

Mark Hamill Luke deleted tweet

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