Andy Serkis Wants Snoke Alive For Star Wars: Episode IX

Andy Serkis Wants Snoke Alive For Star Wars: Episode IX

Following the news of Mark Hamill coming up with a theory how Luke Skywalker survived Star Wars: The Last Jedi, now Andy Serkis weighs on about Supreme Leader Snoke.

Similar to the fate of Luke Skywalker, a lot of fans weren’t happy with the “death” of  Snoke in Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi–especially following all the build up and anticipation from J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

While it’s unknown if Snoke will be back for Star Wars: Episode IX, Andy Serkis is ready for a return!

“It’s a great character, and I’d be keen,” Serkis told THR. “I know it frustrated a lot of people that Snoke came to such a sticky end so quickly, but I loved that big scene and the relationship between Daisy Ridley’s character and Snoke — and where it goes from there and what escalates from that moment, you know the fight that kicks off after that. So I really think it’s great in the movie, but yeah, I could quite happily — I’d be very happy to extend Snoke’s life for sure.”

Not much was ever revealed about Snoke, what the extent of his powers were, etc., but it would be pretty cool to get a Luke and Snoke confrontation.

Let’s hope Abrams comes through for the fans. 

Star-Wars: Episode IX has a December 20, 2019 release.


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