Snakes Teased For Guardians of the Galaxy 3 By Chris Pratt, Karen Gillan & James Gunn?

Snakes Teased For Guardians of the Galaxy 3 By Chris Pratt, Karen Gillan & James Gunn?

A couple of days ago saw James Gunn take part in a Twitter Q&A where the MCU director spoke about the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 release date, the Disney and Fox deal, Yondu’s fate and using different characters.

Both Chris Pratt and Karen Gillan happened to chime in about the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 villain with mention of “snakes.”

“What up wit snakes?” Chris Pratt asked. “I noticed you haven’t answered me. Let me be more specific. Can the villain in volume 3 be a guy who has a cardboard box full of snakes, yes or no? If no. Then how bout just a handful of snakes and he says, what up wit snakes? And then throws the snakes at us?

“Stop avoiding the question, James Gunn. What is your official position on snakes and what up wit’ em’?” Pratt continued.

Karen Gillan added, “Yeah, James we all wanna know?”

Gunn responded back with, “Snakes good, friends to humans. But you knew this.”

And added in another tweet: “SPOILERS, DUDE. You can’t just go tweeting off pages from the treatment.”

Obviously it seems as if the three of them are having fun, but just maybe Chris Pratt revealed a scene from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 where the Guardians get snakes thrown on them for some reason.  

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