Scoop Confirmed: The Flash VFX Went Unfinished

Fans are taking notice.

I am officially marking this as a “scoop confirmed” as recently has seen behind-the-scenes footage from The Flash revealed which actually looks better than the finished theatrical release.

Following the release of The Flash movie which has embarrassingly bad special effects, director Andy Muschietti laughably claimed the VFX were intentional and done like that on purpose.

Well, I have been told that Muschietti was really covering that the VFX on the flick went unfinished, as I have been told by a friend who lives in Hollywood and spoke with the VFX artists that the CGI team wasn’t given enough time to finish the special effects (I go over things here — they were f’n pissed about it).

dark flash
Via YouTube

Dark Flash’s practical suit looks better

Screen Rant recently wrote up how the Dark Flash’s practical suit looks better than in The Flash movie where the article points out “it turns out Dark Flash’s practical suit is a lot better in person when not surrounded by VFX” and questions that “it raises a lot of questions about why it ended up looking as bad as it did in The Flash.” 

Well, it looks so bad, again, because the VFX went unfinished.

“They didn’t give the CGI team enough time to complete the scenes. It’s why even scenes outside of the ‘speed force’ are trash, like Ben’s cape and moments with the Flash on Keaton’s plane & during the Zod final battle,” my friend told me in June.

dark flash vs ezra miller

Suit looks better in real life

Now that the behind-the-scenes footage has been released which looks better, fans on social media are also taking notice.

A Twitter user also remarked how The Flash suit looks better than the movie version.

My friend told me, “Director is covering up for it by saying it was a creative choice, total BS.”

DC insiders also filled me in on the real ending of The Flash which would have seen the return of Ben Affleck as Batman, and lots more.

Exclusive: The Flash Director Andy Muschietti Covering Up Poor CGI

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