Russell Crowe Still Wants Man of Steel Krypton Prequel


Following the opening of Man of Steel, many fans took to the social networks to voice their support for a Russell Crowe Krypton prequel movie.

Man Of Steel featured an epic opening scene set on Krypton, which also introduced the villain of the movie, Zod, played by Michael Shannon.

Back then, Crowe responded by stating he would don the tights again, and now with Batman Vs. Superman getting ever so close says more of the same.

“I would like to see what made Jor-El, Jor-El,” Crowe told MTV in the above video. “Who we made him and Zod, who are friends, what split them apart? What’s the philosphy that split them up? So you know a prequel [laughs].”

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.


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