Robert Kazinsky Wants To Play Green Lantern Guy Gardner


With the Green Lantern Corps movie in the works, actors and fans are letting their voices be known about which character they would like/want to play.

Idris Elba, Tyreese, Ice Cube, and DeMark Thompson are among those mentioned for a possible Green Lantern John Stewart.

Batman Vs. Superman‘s Dan Amboyer even had some fun with the fans by teasing Hal Jordan. It’s thought WB created last year’s Green Lantern concept art using Chris Pine’s likeness as well (Pine is now starring in Wonder Woman).

What we haven’t had is many recommendations for Guy Gardner, but the good news is now we do.

Robert Kazinsky, known for True Blood and Warcraft, answered a fan’s question on Twitter about what superhero he would like to play with mention of Green Lantern Guy Gardner.

“If I was younger, Barry Allen. Other than that, Guy Gardner. I’ll take him,” Kazinsky said. “I’ll play Darkseid. Can I play Darkseid? I’d like to play Darkseid. Oh, can I be Batman [smiles]? I’d like to be Batman as well. Maybe Supes, I could definitely be Superman. Is there anyone I wouldn’t like to be superhero-wise? Captain Britain, I’ll be him. Wonder Twins — I can’t play twins. I can be a bucket [background laughter] …”

It’s unknown when the Green Lanterns will first appear in the DCEU, but there is speculation it may not be until the second Justice League movie in 2019. Hopefully we’ll at least get a nod to Green Lantern in the first Justice League movie if he isn’t set to appear.

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