RL Stine Writing Man-Thing For Marvel Comics


As first I first reported about back on Halloween, Goosebumps author R.L. Stine is writing a comic book for Marvel. Now it's become known that R.L. Stine is writing a five-issue Man-Thing series as confirmed by the NY Times.

“My first ambition was to be a comic book artist,” Stine said. “I started doing these little comic books in the fourth grade: ‘Super Stooge,’ the dumbest hero on earth. I was terrible. I had no choice but to be a writer.” 

Details on R.L. Stine's Man-Thing includes the first story will see Man-Thing off to Burbank, California wondering why he isn't starring in a movie. It's also learned R.L Stine's version of Man-Thing will talk.

"He can talk and he’s very sarcastic," Stine said. “I’m going to do a lot of action and a lot of great violence and make it creepy, but I’m going to make it funny at the same time. It’s what I try to do in my books.”

It's also noted each issue of Man-Thing will also include a short horror story written by R.L. Stine and drawn by a guest artist. Man-Thing covers are by Tyler Crook and interior art is by German Peralta and Daniel Johnson.

RL Stine first published his Goosebumps back in 1992 with "Welcome To Dead House" and has since published over 60 of the novels including spinoff books. The Goosebumps TV series aired from 1995-1998, and most recently saw the Goosebumps movie hit the big screen starring Jack Black in 2015. 

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