Review: X-Men: Prelude To Schism #1


Stoic stands the leader of the mutant race. Unwavering, as a yet unrevealed threat creeps ever forward. There will be a reckoning that will divide this newly re-formed family and Paul Jenkins brings us front and center for the "Schism."

This is the best Cyclops-centric story I have ever read; he has finally become the leader of a race that two other men have tried so hard over the years to control. But before he must make a decision that may tear all his hard work asunder, we must see what has helped shape the man that leads all of mutantkind.

Paul Jenkins writes a tale that is heart felt and intriguing. He has finally brought something to the X-Men that has been sorely missing in the last couple of years — the relationship between Xavier and his "boy scout," Scott Summers. One man had a dream, but it is his first X-Man that has had a plan to bring the species together. Hard decisions have made Scott Summers into a hard man and it was nice to see Xavier take a trip down memory lane, revealing touching glimpses of their "father/son" relationship. It is a necessary aspect that will remind X fans why they love these characters so much even after all these years.

Adding to Jenkins moving story is the artistic talents of Roberto De La Torre. My favorite Daredevil artist, sets the perfect mood for the serious content of this book. Dark and gritty scenes help define the underlying feeling of dread throughout the book, a feeling that almost becomes palpable by tale's end. It is a moving tale that is done with the highest of skill sets.

This book was under ordered in my area and I had to go to two different shops to snag the last copy on the shelf. Those lucky enough to get their hands on a copy, hold something great in their hands. Jenkins "Prelude" has hit the high water mark for X books. If this is what we can expect from the initial Schism story — we are in for a truly amazing story!

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