Review: Batman #4


Explosions rock Batman as he continues on his quest stop the Talon, the Court of Owls menacing assassin. But it’s not the explosions that will cause the most damage, it is Batman’s disbelief that the Court of Owls even exists that will hurt him the most!

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue on their quest to make the best Batman stories on the shelves! This issue, like it’s three predecessors, delves into the past to bring us riveting stories that have ramifications for the future. It is completely immersive and leaves you wishing that the tale would never end. Plus, Snyder brings an aspect to the tale that is rarely seen — Batman’s weaknesses! It is not something physical or mental, but more of a disbelief from nonfactual evidence. It is this lack of belief in his enemy, an overconfidence in the evidence that they don’t exist, that just may bring him low!

Snyder also gives us a glimpse of a young Mr. Wayne. One that took on his first “mission” long before the cape and cowl. One that almost cost him his life! It is the look into the younger years of Bruce’s life, something that has always been very vague before, that becomes the heart of this book. Snyder actually gives reason to why Bruce has become a master detective and why he strives for perfection. It is very compelling, but that’s what Snyder does. He makes you actually care about these characters and nothing could be better than that.

Fast paced, yet, completely engrossing — this one has it all! I love the new direction and depth Snyder and Capullo have brought to this book without losing the nostalgia all Bat fans have in their hearts. Speaking of nostalgia, get a load of that ending! It’s got nineteen eighties written all over it! Awesome!

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