A Quiet Place Rotten Tomatoes Score Is In!

A Quiet Place Rotten Tomatoes Score Is In!

The Rotten Tomatoes score for A Quiet Place Is In, and it’s pretty huge!

Ahead of today’s Thursday night advanced premiere, A Quiet Place has a near perfect Rotten Tomatoes score of 99%!

The film currently has 85 Fresh reviews to only 1 Rotten, with the audience score to be released later this weekend.

Update: It’s now at 97% with 124 Fresh reviews to 4 Rotten.

Not much has been revealed about the movie other than what can be guessed from the trailers, but it seems as if there are some sort of monsters(?) now living on the Earth which hunt their prey through even the smallest sound.

So the family has to remain quiet at all times!  

A Quiet Place is directed by and stars John Krasinski, along with his wife Emily Blunt, Noah Jupe, Millicent Simmonds and Cade Woodward. 

Check out the final trailer:

A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place

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