Peyton Reed Updates Ant-Man and the Wasp & Evangeline Lilly


Marvel recently released the new Paul Rudd Ant-Man clip for Captain America: Civil War, (watch below) and now while attending the Red Carpet World Premiere, director Peyton Reed offers an update on the Ant-Man and the Wasp movie, particularly in regards to Evangeline Lilly.

“Evangeline is an amazing actress. The first movie was really about her coming into her own as a hero, even though we didn’t see her suit up yet. So we’re so excited about now being able to show her fully formed and what she is as a superhero. Her power set, how she fights, and what are the injustices that matter to her that she wants to right. That’s part of the really fun thing of the next movie.”

“It just didn’t make sense for Wasp [to be in Civil War] because there’s so many characters in this movie, and you really want to see her become a hero and really spend time with her. She’s a complicated character and a rich character. We’re really, really having fun writing that.”

“The challenge in Ant-Man and the Wasp is just topping everything that comes before. But that’s a challenge I think with every Marvel movie, with every hero movie. You don’t want the audience to get bored and feel like, oh man, I saw that in the last movie. You always got to give them something different.”

“We’re just getting started. We’re working on it for a little while. Coming up with some ideas … It’s creatively fulfilling, and challenging, and daunting, and exciting, more than anything.”

(via EW)

Ant-Man and the Wasp has a July 6, 2018 release date.

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