Original Star Wars Trilogy Back In Theaters This Summer


The Alamo Drafthouse is re-releasing the original Star Wars Trilogy, Episodes IV, V and VI, in select theaters nationwide this Summer.

The bad news is the Star Wars trilogy is the 1997 special edition, so all of Lucas’ cruddy edits are still there. 

Hopefully one day Disney will be able to release the original versions.

Find the details on the re-release below as well as the list of cities.






“Return of the Trilogy” roadshow program will take audiences back to a galaxy far, far away with triple-feature screenings at more than twenty locations nationwide


Alamo Drafthouse is so excited they could pull the ears off a gundark to announce they’ll be bringing the original STAR WARS trilogy to cities across the country this August with its epic “Return of the Trilogy” roadshow program.

EPISODE IV – A NEW HOPE, EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, and EPISODE VI – RETURN OF THE JEDI have long been out of release, locked up tight in the vaults. Now, an ultra rare opportunity will bring these beloved original classics of the STAR WARS universe roaring across the big screen at movie palaces and performing arts venues from coast to coast.

Not only that, most will screen back-to-back-to-back as one galactic-sized triple feature – taking audiences from Luke’s humble beginnings on Tattooine all the way through to the final climactic battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire in a single sitting. The Force, as they say, will be strong with us.

“It’s always been a dream to show the original STAR WARS trilogy again – somehow, someway,” says Alamo Drafthouse’s VP of Special Events, Henri Mazza. “Seeing the original trilogy on the big screen for the first time is a real life-altering event and just a supreme amount of fun. When the films became available to book for screenings like these, we jumped at the chance to do something big.”

While many dates and locations are still to be announced, “Return of the Trilogy” screenings will take place at venues in over 20 cities throughout the month of August. All three of the films will be presented in their 1997 re-release format. Tickets for most markets will go on sale at ReturnOfTheTrilogy.com on May 4th, otherwise known as Star Wars Day: May the 4th Be With You.


• August 6 – San Francisco, CA / The Warfield
• August 6 – Kansas City, MO / The Midland Theatre
• August 6 – Washington, D.C. / Warner Theatre
• August 6 – Los Angeles, CA / The Theatre at the Ace Hotel
• August 6 – New York, NY / The Town Hall
• August 6 – Miami, FL / Olympia Theatre
• August 6 – San Antonio, TX Majestic Theatre
• August 7 – New York, NY / Kings Theatre
• August 7 – Dallas, TX / Majestic Theatre
• August 11 – Austin, TX / The Long Center for the Performing Arts (Ep. 4-A New Hope)
• August 12 – Austin, TX / The Long Center for the Performing Arts (Ep. 5-The Empire Strikes Back)
• August 13 – Austin, TX / The Long Center for the Performing Arts (Ep. 6-Return of the Jedi)
• August 13 – Philadelphia, PA / The Keswick Theatre
• August 13 – Louisville, KY / Brown Theatre
• August 20 – Oakland, CA / Paramount Theatre
• August 27 – Boston, MA / The Boston Opera House
• Date TBD – Houston, TX / Venue TBD
• Date TBD – Denver, CO / Venue TBD
• *Additional Dates / Locations To Be Announced

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