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Review: The Walking Dead #115
It has been ten years since Robert Kirkman pitched a deceptive idea to the heads of Image comics, one that wou…
Cover Shoot: The Top 5 Comic Covers For 10/9/13
COVER SHOOT By: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look&nbs…
Review: Nova #8 (Wells)
Medina and Curiel deliver some eye-catching art and coloring in this issue. Too bad their talents are wasted o…
Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #6 (Bendis)
It’s really a shame that this book is called Guardians of the Galaxy when it’s such a pale imitation of al…
Review: Jupiter’s Legacy #3
Your father is the greatest super hero that ever lived, but you will always be in his shadow. The worst part i…
Review: Green Lantern #23.4: Sinestro
Told from the perspective of ex-Yellow Lantern, Lyssa Drak, Green Lantern #23.4 delves deep into the forbidden…
Review: Justice League #23.4: Secret Society
All in all, DC’s grand scheme to bring about a focus on their villains has been extremely flat. Most boo…
Review: Grand Theft Auto 5 – A Flawed Masterpiece or Game of the Year?
Grand Theft Auto 5 delivers stunning visuals, engaging characters, and a vast open world, but a few gameplay a…
COVER SHOOT: The Top Five Comic Covers For 9/25/13
COVER SHOOT By: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look&nbs…
Movie Review: Prisoners (2013)
Intense Excellence and an Emotional Toll A Film review of Prisoners By: Lawrence Napoli [[wysiwyg_image…
The Hype Surrounding GTA 5: Next-Gen Considerations and What to Expect
Discover how GTA 5 is extending the current-gen while gamers eagerly anticipate its arrival on next-gen consol…
Movie Review: Riddick (2013)
Remixing History A Film review of Riddick By: Lawrence Napoli Anyone familiar with the Riddick Trilogy …
COVER SHOOT: The Top Five Comic Covers For 8/28/13
COVER SHOOT By: Chris “DOC” Bushley This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually comp…
Op-Ed: A Response To Ben Affleck Batman Nerd Rage & Why Heath Ledger Argument Doesn’t Work
This One is for Brandon Responding to Affleck Love and Nerd Rage By: Lawrence Napoli [[wysiwyg_imageupl…
Op-Ed: Ben Affleck As Batman Is The End Of DC
This is the END, DC! Attempting to comprehend “Why?!?” By: Lawrence Napoli [[wysiwyg_imageupload:10…
Review: Nova #7 (Wells)
I finally found something to like about NINO! Issue #7 cured my insomnia! Yup; soporific #7 is a cliché-fille…
Movie Review: Kick-Ass 2 (2013)
A Little Less Kick, But a Bit More Heart A Film Review of Kick-Ass 2 By: Lawrence Napoli Mark Millar’…
Movie Review: Elysium (2013)
Metropolis Wanna-Be A Film Review of Elysium By: Lawrence Napoli [[wysiwyg_imageupload:10139:]] …
Casting The Batman Reboot: The Dark Knight Then, Now and Beyond
Batman Then, Now and Beyond By: Lawrence Napoli [[wysiwyg_imageupload:9970:]] Comic book adaptations co…
Movie Review: The Wolverine (2013)
Logan Can’t Protect His Women A Film Review of The Wolverine By: Lawrence Napoli So this was the Wolv…