Assassin’s Creed Films In September Starring Michael Fassbender


While Michael Fassbender looks to be done with the X-Men following Apocalypse, the actor kicks off a new frachise with Assassin’s Creed.

Fassbender, who is starring in and producing Assassin’s Creed, told the movie begins filming in September.

“You say it’s a long time but what I’ve found–it’s all new to me but starting to develop scripts and work on them, they take time,” he countered to our mention of the delays in getting the movie made. “It just takes time to get a good story together and we really want to do it right. It’s exciting. It’s going to start this year, we’ll be filming in September.”

Fassbender wouldn’t say anything else about the film other than not to believe everything you hear when it was mentioned he might be playing Desmond Miles, the modern-day protagonist of the first few Assassin’s Creed games.

“You don’t know that. Don’t listen to what they tell you, that’s the first rule,” he said with a smile. 

What is known about the movie is that Fassbender will star alongside Marion Cottilard, with Justin Kurzel directing for a December 21, 2016 release.

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