New DCEU Brain Trust: Joss Whedon, James Wan, Patty Jenkins, Matt Reeves


Good news for fans of the DCEU as it’s being reported what looks to be a new “brain trust” is being formed.

An earlier report stated that Zack Snyder may be on his way out of the DCEU – whether it’s due to the personal issue or another matter is unknown, – but now it’s said Joss Whedon will have a major part in the DCEU (Zack Snyder hand picked Joss Whedon to take over the Justice League director duties).

Joss Whedon is also on board the Batgirl movie, something he told WB he wanted to do when WB showed him a list of movies in development.

Mashable reports that following Joss Whedon not getting much credit for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Whedon will be a “major Part” of the DCEU creative team in the future.

A quick note regarding what happened with Joss Whedon at Marvel: Due to interference from the former Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter and his Marvel Comics Creative Committee, following The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Whedon dropped out of Marvel and took an extended break. It’s been implied Whedon left Marvel because of Perlmutter.

DC is glad to have him.

The article also suggests Aquaman director James Wan, The Batman director Matt Reeves and Wonder Woman‘s Patty Jenkins will be a big part of the DCEU moving forward, which will of course also feature DCEU co-runners Geoff Johns and Jon Berg.

Comic-Con saw eight DCEU movies officially announced, with more thought to be in developement including Gotham City Sirens, Man of Steel 2 and Black Adam

Here are the eight new DCEU movies announced. Presently, Wonder Woman 2 only has a release date.


Suicide Squad 2

The Batman

Justice League Dark

Flash Point

Wonder Woman 2

Green Lantern Corps


Justice League is next with a November 17, 2017 release followed by Aquaman on December 21, 2018.

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