Marvel’s Dan Slott Has Coronary Over Batman Vs. Superman Gotham Footage


Fan-favorite Marvel Comics writer of Spider-Man and Silver Surfer, Dan Slott, appears to not have taken favorably to the new Batman Vs. Superman footage which was released earlier during Gotham.

Slott took to Twitter to voice his disassatifaction even though – like the rest of us – he hasn’t seen the whole movie. Slott also appears to not be a big fan of Man of Steel.

Before any accussations of Slott being a Marvel shill begin, Dan does state he’s a big fan of The Flash and Supergirl.

*For the record, Dan didn’t have a coronary – at least we hope not.

Update: Dan Slott has posted even more tweets blasting Batman Vs. Superman and Zack Snyder.

Check out the tweets:

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