Marvel Funko Animated Shot: Baby Groot & Rocket Raccoon


Following the Marvel Studios Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer, the Marvel Comics/TV people and Funko have released another animated short with "Bait and Switch" featuring Baby Groot and Rocket Racoon, the Collector and the Collector's collection. 

The previous Marvel Funko short includes Spider-Man, Iron Man and Loki.

It's noted the first Marvel Funko animated short "Spellbound" was released last week and is a rousing success and has currently been viewed by 600,000+ people online. Next week on 12/14 the third and final short, Chimichangas, will premiere and features Deadpool facing off against Venom!

The Marvel Funko animated shorts include story and animation by A Large Evil Corporation and were executive produced by Brian Mariotti, Dan Buckley, Cort Lane, Joe Quesada, and Alan Fine.

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