Marvel Comics Teases Guardians of the Galaxy Death

Marvel Comics Teases Guardians of the Galaxy Death

Following the recent Guardians of the Galaxy 2019 teaser, now Marvel Comics releases a new teaser offering that one member will fall.

The image below features Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon and Groot along with an announcement about Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian #1 from Gerry Duggan and Andy McDonald that hits in December, prior to the release of the new Guardians ongoing.

The previous teaser questioned who are the Guardians, so we are assuming the 2019 series will feature a brand new team.

So which member of the current Guardians of the Galaxy will die?

Well, Infinity Wars recently saw Star-Lord die and then come back, so killing him off again would seem unlikely. 

How about Drax? While not directly connected, Dave Bautista recently said he wants to quit, so maybe the comics will kill Drax off in response (stranger things have happened); however, Drax has come back from the dead before, so maybe we can cross him out.

Rocket or Groot? Probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal, so that leaves Gamora, who is actually been perceived as a villain in Infinity Wars because she killed Thanos as well as Star-Lord.

It’s entirely possibly that “fallen” doesn’t mean dead as well, as it could be argued Gamora has already fallen as she is now considered “bad” by some. Any guesses?



Cover by R.B. SILVA On Sale December 2018

ONE WILL FALL This December in Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian #1

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