Marvel Comics Bringing Back Planet Hulk, Iron Man & Diversity Here To Stay


Earlier today saw the Marvel Comics Diamond Summit meeting take place in Chicago where new info on their comic line has become known.

Bleeding Cool points out this time around Marvel didn’t allow any recordings (the last meeting saw Marvel in the hot seat due to comments from David Gabriel and EIC Axel Alonso), but retailers still filled them in that Marvel’s upcoming “Legacy” initiative will:

• See the fall of Peter Parker and Parker Industries as part of the Spider-Man books.

• The Hulk books will return to Planet Hulk, just in time for Thor: Ragnarok.

• Tony Stark will be resurrected in Iron Man.

• “Legacy” is said to be a re-branding, not a specific event.

• A Legacy one-shot will be released.

• Certain titles will go back to their original numbering – said to still be new reader friendly – with some sort of handout released explaining how each title gets to their original number issue they are supposed to be at.

• It’s noted the original numbering and return of original characters will not be at the expense of the replacement characters. 

• An image was revealed showing all the new and diverse replacement characters with the banner in large letters stating: THIS IS MARVEL.

• Marvel didn’t go into specifics about the image, but according to the article, Marvel made it clear to retailers that the new and diverse replacement characters are “here to stay.”

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