Marvel Comics Announces New X-Men Series Ahead of NYCC

Marvel Comics X-Men

Marvel TV and Comics seems to be buds with Fox Studios again, or at least somewhat, as Marvel Comics announces two new X-Men series ahead of this week’s New York Comic Comic-Con.

Marvel Comics released covers for Rogue & Gambit and Legion teasing the series for a January release, but didn’t reveal anything further.

More announcements will probably be coming at the NYCC as Marvel Comics actually also has its own X-Men panel on Friday.

NYCC info:

Marvel Legacy: X-Men

October 06, 2017, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM


Welcome to the X-Men panel…hope you survive the experience! The X-Men have been catapulted back to the forefront of the Marvel Universe, and there’s still more to come! Join Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso and creators Ed Brisson (Cable, Old Man Logan), Matthew Rosenberg (Secret Warriors), and Charles Soule (Astonishing X-Men) for an X-citing discussion about everything X-Men! PLUS, don’t miss Ed Piskor’s in-depth look at the past, present and future of the Marvel’s merry mutants in X-Men: Grand Design!   

rogue and gambit

x-men legion marvel comics

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