Man of Steel 2: Matthew Vaughn Rumored To Direct


Good news for Superman fans as it’s being said WB is eyeing Matthew Vaughn to director Man of Steel 2.

According to Collider, Matthew Vaughn is WB’s top choice to direct Man of Steel 2, and even if he doesn’t want to direct the Superman sequel, it’s reported that WB still wants Matthew Vaughn on a DCEU film. It’s further said that early talks have taken place about Man of Steel 2, but Vaughn hasn’t definitely signed on to direct as of yet.

Cross your fingers, because getting Matthew Vaughn on board Man of Steel 2 would be pretty huge. Vaughn directed Kick-Ass, X-Men: First Class and Kingsman, three really successfull and well done comic book flicks.

Interestingly enough, prior to Man of Steel, Matthew Vaughn did have brief talks with WB about doing a Superman movie, which sounds more in tune with the character than what Snyder and Goyer did, which backfired.  Vaughn argued against going the dark and gritty route with Superman.

“I think that’s the one thing not to do with Superman, trying to do the serious The Dark Knight version. Superman is about color and fun, or it should be, for me,” Vaughn told MTV back in 2010.

We can probably speculate that Vaughn would have the same vision today about Superman, which also means that is in line with WB’s direction of the character–instead of Snyder’s neck-snapping-Zod version, which many Superman fans loathed.

Henry Cavill will next appear as Superman in Justice League, out this November, and Cavill was also featured in Vaughn’s Stardust back in 2007 . 

Rumors for Man of Steel 2 include that the villain may be Brainiac.

Man of Steel 2 is currently in development. WB announced new Superman movies are in the works back in 2014, and Henry Cavill’s manager also stated Man of Steel 2 is being worked on.

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