M. Night Shyamalan Still Hopes For An Unbreakable Sequel


Before comic book movies were all the rage, there was M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable (and X-Men four months prior).

Unbreakable was a realistic comic book movie that starred Bruce Willis as the “super” hero and Samuel L. Jackson as the “super” villain.

The movie made almost $250 million at the box office (X-Men made almost $300 million).

There has been sequel talk since the movie’s release, and now fifteen years later, M. Night Shyamalan says he would still like to do a second film.

Speaking with Collider, Shyamalan offered the following:

Is he still hoping for a sequel?

Yeah, I do sometimes.  I love those characters and I love that world.  Of course, the whole world makes comic book movies now.  At the time, it was completely novel.  I remember when I made it, Disney was literally like, “Comic books?!  There’s no market for comic books!”  That’s all they make now!  It was a hilarious conversation.  I remember it.  I was like, “Maybe you’re right.  Maybe nobody will come see comic book movies.”  They were like, “Those are people in little conventions who like comic books.”  And I was like, “But, I like comic books!”

It would be interested to see Unbreakable in the world of today:

Yeah.  But the beauty of the world of Unbreakable is that you’re playing it for reality.  It should never feel like a comic book movie.  It feels like a straight-up drama.  It’s real.  You’re confronting the possibility that comic book characters were based on people that were real.  That’s the premise, so the tone has to be super grounded.  It would be cool.

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