Luke Cage Season 2 Reveals Mysty Knight’s Bionic Arm


luke cage season 2 bionic arm misy knight

Following what happened in Defenders, now a first look at Marvel’s Luke Cage Season 2 reveals Misty Knight’s bionic arm.

The new Defenders series on Netflix sees Hand villain Bakuto chop off the arm of Misty Knight, and then she ended up in a high-tech hospital owned by Danny Rand Iron Fist. 

Now as many fans assumed, Misty Knight does get her prosthetic bionic arm that is the same in the comics! also reveals Misty Knight keeps her job as a NYC detective.

Regarding how Misty gets the bionic arm, in the comics it was designed by Tony Stark and Stark Industries after she lost the limb in a bombing, but the Netflix shows don’t connect at all to the Marvel movies, so more than likely the bionic arm will be explained by Danny Rand’s team of doctors at the hospital.

In the comics, the bionic arm grants Misty Knight superhuman strength and other abilities including energy blasts, gravity fields and even an ability to control robots.  

Luke Cage Season 2 premieres in 2018.

luke cage season 2 first look

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