Luke Cage Cancelled And Lots Of Other Marvel Comics

Luke Cage Cancelled And Lots Of Other Marvel Comics

With the release of Marvel Comics’ March 2018 solicitations comes word of a whole new batch of series getting canceled.

Luke Cage gets the axe as does Generation X, Hawkeye, Iceman, Jean Grey, and The Unbelievable Gwenpool, and it’s thought Secret Warriors and Defenders are also getting canceled because they are missing solicits as well.

Luke Cage writer David F. Walker confirms the cancellation in a series of tweets:

I’m not actually surprised by the news that Luke Cage and the above listed series are getting canceled as none of them have ever sold well.

For whatever reason, Marvel editorial keeps launching series with the same characters (Moon Knight, She-Hulk, Black Panther, etc.) that all share the same fate: they get axed after a half dozen or so issues.

Update: She-Hulk is cancelled.

Meanwhile, we have known comics and creators that are proven that don’t get the go ahead, with the latest being Jim Starlin

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