‘Loki’ Actor Jack Veal Says He Needs Help

'Loki' Actor Jack Veal Says He Needs Help

Jack Veal, known for playing the young Loki in the Marvel Disney+ series, has reached out via social media stating that he needs help.

The 17-year-old actor took to TikTok to offer he is homeless and struggling with mental health.

@jackvealfitness #charity #homeless #homelessat17 #loki #endofthefuckingworld #help #jackveal ♬ original sound – jackvealfitness

“Hi. I’m a famous actor, I’m 17 and I’m homeless,” Veal says in the video. “You may know me from Loki, The Ending of the Fucking World, or various other movies where I played important roles. I haven’t mentioned much about what’s been going on in my life, but I think it’s time to reveal the truth. Without delving too much into the details, I was abused at home. It was physical violence, emotional abuse and etcetera.”

@jackvealfitness #homelessat17 #kidloki #news #islingtoncouncil #socialservices #mentalhealth #whytfisitsocold #thankyou ♬ original sound – jackvealfitness

He continued, “I didn’t have a very good upbringing. I’ve struggled with mental health. I have autism, ADHD, and am being screened for bipolar and psychosis.

“I have nowhere else to go, and I need help,” he said. “Social services refuses to help me, despite what I have told them. I am desperate. I’ve been sleeping in the streets. I am currently sleeping in a trailer that has smashed-in windows, is unsafe and is two hours away from my work, which means I struggle to get to work everyday. It’s difficult. Life is hard.”

He added, “At the moment, I have nothing else. I am on my knees begging for you guys to share this, do something, spread the message with how the government are treating kids.”

In an update, Jack Veal says the word has gotten out and that he will be meeting with social services.

“I just got a call from social services saying that they want a meeting with me tomorrow to potentially get me into foster care and support accommodation,” he said. “I don’t know what you guys have done, but it’s gotten out there and it’s really, really helped me. They’re taking action now. They’re actually doing something,” Veal said. “God bless you all. Thank you so much.”



♬ original sound – jackvealfitness

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