Kevin Feige Talks Brie Larson and Captain Marvel


Come Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel Studios will have introduced their most powerful superhero ever in the form of Carol Danvers Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson (it's heavily speculated she is appearing).

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recently chatted with Variety about their Ms. Marvel.

"If you had the collector cards of the Marvel characters and you could see the power levels, she would be off the charts compared to anyone that we’ve previously introduced in a film," Feige said when questioned what makes Captain Marvel so powerful.

Regarding why Brie Larson, who is starring in Kong: Skull Island with Loki himself, Tom Hiddleston, is such a good fit for the role, Feige offers she's easy for people to relate to.

"With Captain Marvel, who has powers that approach a level that we haven’t seen before in our films, you need to counter- balance that by finding somebody who is also very human and very relatable and can get into a groove with the audience, where they’re willing to see her fly through the sun and punch a moon away from a spacecraft. At the same time, we need her to land and have relatable flaws. Brie is a person you’re going to want to go on this journey with, just like Benedict or Robert or Chris Pratt," Feige said.

Kevin Feige also confirms Marvel Studios is specifically looking for a female director for Captain Marvel.

"It is [a priority], Feige said. "Having a female director at the helm to tell the story of a woman who is also our most powerful hero by far is very important to us."

Avengers: Infinity War has a May 4, 2018 release. The standalone Captain Marvel movie has a March 8, 2019 release. 

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