Kevin Feige Comments On Marvel Criticism & Avoids Inhumans

Kevin Feige Comments On Marvel Criticism & Avoids Inhumans

Are the Marvel movies all the same?

That’s what some fans think, and they are even referred to as “popcorn” flicks by Justice League director Zack Snyder.

 The good news is that the next batch of Marvel movies will apparently be quite unique, which includes Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, The Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Uproxx caught up with Marvel Studios president Kevin Fieg and asked if those movies are a response to critics:

No. I mean, I think it’s just the way we make the movies. I think all the movies are relatively different. I think there’s a narrative that people like to write about because they’re all produced by the same team and they all inhabit the same fictional cinematic universe. That we look for common similarities. And I’m not saying there aren’t common similarities throughout it, but I think Thor: Ragnarok and Spider-Man: Homecoming are two totally different types of movies. They’re both fun. People both enjoy them. Is that a similarity? If so, I’ll take it. If that’s a criticism, I’ll take that, too. But really, yeah, HomecomingRagnarokPanther, into Infinity WarAnt-Man and the Wasp after that. And a ’90s-set Captain Marvel after that; these are six very different movies. If what they have in common is they’re all really enjoyable and fun to watch, then I’ll take it.

Marvel TV (not associated with Marvel Studios) is also currently airing the Inhumans TV series on ABC, which has been quite the disaster as ratings are plummeting. At one time, Inhumans was actually set to be a Marvel Studios film, but has since been taken off the roster. 

It’s suggested to Kevin Feige that it might be a good thing that they didn’t make it into a movie seeing how Marvel TV handled Inhumans, but Feige  is also asked if he still wishes he could develop Inhumans into a Marvel Studios movie to really knock it out of the park. Here is Feige’s response:

[Laughs] You’re breaking up, Mike. I can’t hear you. You’re breaking up…

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