Kevin Conroy Ruins 9-Year-Old Boy’s Batman Fun


Per the norm, the liberal Hollywood web sites and blogs blew up yesterday when a nine-year-old boy asked Donald Trump if he’s Batman.

Trump responded to the youngster with an affirmative: “I am Batman.”

The video lasted all about seven seconds, but various sites rolled with it, taking the opportunity to take jabs at presidential hopeful Donald Trump (much like the Boston Herald tried and failed when interviewing Stan Lee).

Now the latest is in regards to – “I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman.”-  himself, Kevin Conroy.

Conroy, known for portraying the voice of Batman in the animated movies and series, actually took to Twitter to ruin the nine-year-old boy’s fun.

Conroy tweeted a pic of himself in front of a Batman: Arkham Knight video game display adding: “I hear a guy with a big mouth & bad hair running for president claims to be Batman. Let’s be clear he is NOT Batman!”

It should be noted the boy and his parents were on the fence in regards to voting for Donald Trump, so it’s not like they were Trump supporters. I’m guessing the boy, an obvious Batman fan, knew both Bruce Wayne and Donald Trump are wealthy and decided to have some fun.

Nice to spoil it, Kevin. Keep it classy.

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