Jurassic World 3: Colin Trevorrow Back As Director

Jurassic World 3 Has Colin Trevorrow Back As Director

It’s announced that Colin Trevorrow will be back to direct Jurassic World 3.

Producer Steven Spielberg confirmed the news.

“Colin Trevorrow is going to write and direct the third Jurassic World story,” Spielberg told EW.com.

Jurassic World 3

While plot details aren’t known at this time, Jurassic World 3 will also have Colin Trevorrow co-writing with Emily Carmichael (Pacific Rim: Uprising) based off a story from Trevorrow and original Jurassic World co-writer Derek Connolly, with producers Frank Marshall and Pat Crowley also returning.

“It’s important to this franchise that we welcome new creative voices to keep our storytelling fresh and alive,” Trevorrow said. “I’m thrilled with the tension and beauty J.A. has brought to Fallen Kingdom, and I know Emily will add another layer of emotion to the concluding chapter of our trilogy.”

Colin Trevorrow directed the first Jurassic World and also co-wrote the script for the upcoming Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, which gets released June 22, 2018 directed by J.A. Bayona starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. 

I’ve new found respect for Colin Trevorrow following Disney having fired him from Star Wars: Episode IX (which would have been epic), as he took to Twitter to basically slam Disney for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I’m definitely looking forward to Jurassic World 3!

Jurassic World 3

Jurassic World 3

Jurassic World 3

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