Josh Gad Really Wants To Play Penguin


Josh Gad is back on social media seemingly teasing Penguin for possibly Matt Reeves The Batman movie.

“Good Knight,” Gad posted on Twitter with an animated GIF of Batman ’66 actor Burgess Meredith.

As noted, this isn’t the first time Josh Gad has teased Penguin on social media as in years past he teased the character numerous times, including a visit to the DC offices with then-DCEU co-runners Geoff Johns and Jon Berg featuring an issue of a Batman comic with Penguin on the cover.

Back in 2017 also saw Gad explain he was just kidding around.

“Oh, God,” Josh Gad explained to MTV while laughing. “Just having some fun. Just having some fun. That’s it! Really! I promise! There’s nothing to [talk about]. There’s no there-there. I promise you. You know what. The internet goes wild, and I’m just having some fun. Just putting some things out there. I have not met Matt Reeves. Seems like a lovely guy. I love his work.”

However, Gad did confirm he would like to play Penguin.

“I would absolutely be open to playing the Penguin in a Batman movie… We’ll see. It’s all we’ll see,” Gad said.

It’s been said The Batman movie is to begin filming soon, so it is possible casting could start to be announced. Rumored details include the movie will feature a younger actor to play the role as reportedly Matt Reeves’ story will feature a younger Dark Knight.

Josh Gad

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