Joe Russo Addresses Avengers: Endgame Fantastic Four and Multiverse Theories


Following the release of Infinity War, many fans have taken to Reddit and other sites to voice their own theories regarding how The Avengers: Endgame will play out, which include all kinds of crazy ways to bring back the characters. Now a fan directly questions Joe Russo about the multiverse and the Fantastic Four.

Director Joe Russo is asked about three theories while attending a fan event in India, with one being about how certain characters are portrayed in the new posters, the second being about a multiverse theory, and the third of the potential of the Fantastic Four appearing in The Avengers: Endgame.

Avengers Endgame poster

Regarding the posters, a fan questions Joe Russo if four of the new character posters that have Nick Fury, Valkyrie, Gamora and Hawkeye staring into the camera have any meaning, but Russo says not to look to much into it.

“You know look. One thing we love about Marvel fans is that they read something into everything,” Russo says. “They do our job for us, right. No, I wouldn’t put much stock into that theory.”

Avengers Endgame ant man

The second question sees the fan ask about the number “1604” appearing in The Avengers: Endgame trailer which relates to a Marvel comic book, and if they are hinting about the multiverse theory in the movie.

“[Laughs] Uh… Are you on Reddit a lot? Is that where you are getting these? Are you the guy on Reddit that’s writing these theories?” Joe Russo says. “I’m not going to confirm or deny any of this. No. It’s not implying the multiverse. Sorry.”

Avengers Endgame movie

The fan then questions since the comic has Reed Richards helping out, does that mean Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four could help out with the Quantum Realm in The Avengers: Endgame.

“Here’s the thing. I’ll take any questions about the thematics in Endgame, but I am not going to answer any questions about the plot of Endgame,” Joe Russo replies with a smile on his face. “We spent three years protecting the plot of the movie from Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo. So I am not going to come here and suddenly give away the plot of the film, but I appreciate and admire your effort.”

The Avengers: Endgame opens Apr. 26.

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